Somethings about Unity before Buy

Hello all,

please, I think someone could answer a few questions before I buy Unity for real.

  1. Unity is intended better to build what kind of game? I know what says in their web site, but I would like to hear from experienced Unity users.

  2. How fast is Unity script compared to other languages? Same purpose above.

  3. I saw that Unity can create game objects like spheres, squares, etc… that can be used to build sceneries (like houses, bridges, etc)… but is this good or is it better to build in another modeling software?

  4. Unity web player can handle big games, like a FPS game in web browser? If yes, how can we manage to load the level only which the player will play (so he will not need to stay forever for the game load into web browser).

  5. What is the best methods to save memory and CPU usage with Unity games?

EDIT: I’m with Trial version since 1 week and I manage to learn a few scrip commands and the interface looks good.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Unity can be used for virtually any genre. Obviously if you are going for pure 2D you might not want to use Unity, but even then games like Zombieville have created cool faked 2D setups.

2)No idea about how fast the scripts are run comparatively. No problem here though.

3)I wouldn’t use Unity for asset creation unless you are going for pure gameplay prototyping. Yes, you will need to make your models in an external 3D program.

I’ll leave others to handle those last too, but look to Cartoon Network’s Fusion Fall for an example of a fairly large Unity game within the browser.

  1. So far I’ve done RTS, 3rd person shooter, multiplayer online racing and demonstrative (more of a movie than a game) projects with Unity. The only thing I see Unity not ideal for would be a large 2d sprite game, simply because if that’s all your going for, there may be something more suited for that.

Unity is, however, completely capable of great 2d games (

  1. I wouldn’t use Unity for asset creation.

  2. Very easily. You need Unity Pro for this, but you can stream levels, so you only need to load what is needed for a scene, and load the next scene WHILE someone is playing the current scene. Also, it can be done to create ‘endless’ worlds, sort of like how Morrowind was, where it preloaded the areas based on what you were near, so you could run in one direction seemingly forever without a “loading” scene.

  3. There are things to do both on the graphics and programming side to save on memory and cpu. There are some specific little nuggets of information on how Unity prefers things to be coded which you don’t necessarily need to know for a prototype or small project, but will have to learn for something bigger. It’s all in the documentation.

Thansks for the answers so far.

I know about documentations, but my point is: I very would like answers from old users of Unity because then I cannot spend much time reading manuals/tutorials and in the end I say “wow, thats not what I need”. I need to save time and costs, I have some projects to work on, I’m already using another engine, but Unity looks like will come more useful than the engines I’m using.

So, I need PRO to stream levels? Hmmm… smart from then :slight_smile:

Tempest, could you give me some kind of tutorial, or something, just to get know more of the engine script. I mean… I’m reading tutorials, etc, but, is there any way I can learn faster?


Hold on, before HiggyB catches me.

The quoted text is from the license page.

I’ve only tested the streaming with Pro, and it worked fantastically. A sample of streaming levels is Once the menu loads, you’ll see two additional loading bars which represent the loading of those levels.

This may not be a great answer to your question, but it will demonstrate a bit more about the engine than tutorials can.

Will Goldstone put together a series of video tutorials. It’s not too much scripting, but it really goes into the capabilities of the entire engine.

I will take a look at this one… the video tutorials I already saw at Unity web site.


Hey, just a last question :roll:

  • Unity can cast shadows on whatever 3d model I import into Unity development program?

I mean, I made a house, some enemys in another software (of course ¬¬), if I import these Assets into Unity, Unity can make then cast shadows? What kind of models Unity can do this?

Thanks again

unity can cast shadows but you need to purchase the pro version to do that otherwise you will have to texture bake the environment if you intend to use indy

Yes, any model can cast and receive shadows, this is a Pro only feature.

the 2d sprite features are not fully unitys selling point however there are a number of people who have made 2d sprite games apparently quite easy using polygons and placeing 2d sprite/textures on them

PirateNinja Alliance did this for his Iphone smash hit zombieville

Ok, thanks for the answers. Regarding Unity version, I pretend to buy UNITY PRO and later IPhone mode.

Some members of the Community disagree with me but I strongly recommend learning unity Indy or Pro first before you delve into iphoneUnity my reasons are…its far easier to learn on this platform as there are more tutorials and more resources and of course more members who have not as yet dipped there toe in the pond that is Iphone Unity.

also the pipeline is easier to deal with as your not messing with arcane stuff like provisioning profiles etcetera…all sounds a little technical to a newbie but when you get into unity and the iphone you will understand what i am going on about

I hope that once you begin using Unity you are willing to read and use the docs, it’s just not fair for you to rely on the community for all your answers longer term. For pre-sales questions like this, fair enough, but for ongoing usage you really do need to use the provided materials on your own first, then ask questions second. Thanks! :slight_smile:

You can stream content on a per-level basis with either Indie or Pro, it’s just that with Pro you also get AssetBundle support so you can stream individual assets on demand and thus get “fully fledged” streaming.

Hello HiggyB, nice hear from you.

About what you said first: again , what I said is that I dont want to read all the manual and in the end I realize that this is not the right software for me. Of course I will read all the documentation when I buy Unity for real (already reading).

Thanks for the info on web streaming, this will be good use for me.


thanks for the tips :wink:

FYI, using bold and all caps is a sign of aggression on internet forums, please don’t do that as I can’t tell if you’re angry or not (unless you mean to be aggressive/angry in which case we have different issues to attend to :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Otherwise, thanks for clarifying and carry on! :slight_smile:

Sorry, HiggyB, no, I did not intend to be agressive at all, thats not my point and even now that I’m learnning Unity… and looks a very good tool. :smile:

In foruns I’m use to colaborate we use bold in various ways.

But, when I buy any kind of tool, it is commom to see my in foruns, :roll:

Most of times I do not make stupid questions or totally noob without consulting manuals, but sometimes can happen… :wink:

EDIT: last message before this one edited for no problems purposes. :lol:

Fair enough! :smile: