Sometimes plane calculations creep downward over time for project

I am having an issue where the editor eventually bugs my project and the plane calculations (projectedEv1&2) creep downward. Copying the assets folder into a new project works without any changes in the code base. This is how I am using rays and planes in my codebase. Think of it as finding the vertices to walls (as they are seen to the camera) in a doom style fashion where the segment buffer is the edges of the floor – but it is a visibility polygon.

for (int i = 2; i < segmentBuffer.Value.Length; i++)
    VisibilitySegment s = segmentBuffer.Value[i];
    float2 v1 = (float2)s.x;
    float2 v2 = (float2)s.y;
    float2 ev1 = (float2)ExtendVertex(v1, origin);
    float2 ev2 = (float2)ExtendVertex(v2, origin);
    Vector3 v1V3 = new Vector3(v1.x, 0, v1.y);
    Vector3 v2V3 = new Vector3(v2.x, 0, v2.y);
    Vector3 ev1V3 = new Vector3(ev1.x, 0, ev1.y);
    Vector3 ev2V3 = new Vector3(ev2.x, 0, ev2.y);
    Vector3 planeNormal = CalculatePlaneNormal(v1V3, v2V3);
    Plane p = new Plane(planeNormal, v1V3);
    //Vector3 projectedEv1V3 = ProjectOntoPlane(v.CamPosition, ev1V3, p);
    //Vector3 projectedEv2V3 = ProjectOntoPlane(v.CamPosition, ev2V3, p);
    int baseIndex = vertices.Count;

    float depth1 = Vector3.Distance(originV3, v1V3);
    float depth2 = Vector3.Distance(originV3, v2V3);
    Vector2 v1V2 = new Vector2(v1V3.x, v1V3.z);
    Vector2 v2V2 = new Vector2(v2V3.x, v2V3.z);
    Vector2 originV2 = new Vector2(originV3.x, originV3.z);
    Vector2 depthV1 = v1V2 - originV2;
    Vector2 depthV2 = v2V2 - originV2;
    Color color1 = new Color(depth1, 0, 0, 0.5f);
    Color color2 = new Color(depth2, 0, 0, 0.5f);

    Vector3 projectedEv1V3 = v1V3 + Vector3.up * 25f;
    Vector3 projectedEv2V3 = v2V3 + Vector3.up * 25f;

    Plane plane = new Plane(v1V3, projectedEv1V3, v2V3);
    float enter;
    Vector3 tempv = (float3)(ev1V3) - v.CamPosition;
    Ray ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
    float3 cameraForward = math.normalize(v.Fwd);
    float dotProduct = - originV3, cameraForward);
    int right = i - 1;
    int left = i + 1;

    //Debug.DrawLine(v1V3, projectedEv1V3,;
    //Debug.DrawLine(projectedEv1V3, v2V3,;
    //Debug.DrawLine(v2V3, v1V3,;

    if (left == segmentBuffer.Value.Length)
        left = 0;
    if (dotProduct >= 0)
        /* V1 is on the right s.x
         * V2 is on the left s.y
        if (true)
             * |-----| (vother)
             * v2   (v1)
             * y     x
            double2 vother = segmentBuffer.Value[right].y;
            double2 temp = vother - v1;
            if (math.abs(temp.x) < 1e-3d && math.abs(temp.y) < 1e-3d)

                if (plane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                    projectedEv1V3 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                    if (s.specialRender == true)
                        if (math.length(v2 - v1) < 1)

                            double2 vr = segmentBuffer.Value[left].x;
                            temp = vr - v2;
                            if (math.abs(temp.x) < 1e-3d && math.abs(temp.y) < 1e-3d)
                                Vector3 vright = new Vector3((float)vr.x, 0f, (float)vr.y);
                                //if (math.length(vright - originV3) < math.length(v1V3 - originV3))
                                //Debug.DrawLine(projectedEv2V3, vright);
                                if (true)
                                    Vector3 votherright = new Vector3((float)segmentBuffer.Value[left].y.x, 0f, (float)segmentBuffer.Value[left].y.y);
                                    Plane rightPlane = new Plane(vright, votherright, vright + Vector3.up * 25f);
                                    tempv = (float3)(projectedEv1V3) - v.CamPosition;
                                    ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
                                    if (rightPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                                        Vector3 r1 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                        tempv = (float3)(v1V3 + Vector3.up * 25f) - v.CamPosition;
                                        ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
                                        if (rightPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                                            Vector3 r2 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                            //Debug.DrawLine(r1, r2, Color.magenta);
                                            tempv = (float3)(v1V3) - v.CamPosition;
                                            ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
                                            if (rightPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                                                Vector3 r3 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                                //Debug.DrawLine(r2, r3, Color.white);
                                                projectedEv1V3 = v1V3 + Vector3.up * 25f;
                                                vertices.AddRange(new Vector3[] { r1, r2, r3 });
                                                baseIndex = vertices.Count;
                                                colors.AddRange(new Color[] { color1, color1, color1 });
                                                // Add quad triangles
                                                triangles.AddRange(new int[] {
                                        baseIndex, baseIndex + 2, baseIndex + 1,});

                                                //Debug.DrawLine(r3, r1,;
    dotProduct = - originV3, cameraForward);
    if (dotProduct >= 0)
        if (true)
            double2 vo = segmentBuffer.Value[left].x;
            double2 temp = vo - v2;
            if (math.abs(temp.x) < 1e-3d && math.abs(temp.y) < 1e-3d)

                ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, (float3)ev2V3 - v.CamPosition);
                if (plane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                    projectedEv2V3 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                    if (s.specialRender == true)
                        if (math.length(v2 - v1) < 1)
                            double2 vl = segmentBuffer.Value[right].y;
                            temp = vl - v1;
                            if (math.abs(temp.x) < 1e-3d && math.abs(temp.y) < 1e-3d)
                                Vector3 vleft = new Vector3((float)vl.x, 0f, (float)vl.y);
                                //if (math.length(vleft - originV3) < math.length(v2V3 - originV3))
                                //Debug.DrawLine(projectedEv2V3, vleft);

                                if (true)
                                    Vector3 votherleft = new Vector3((float)segmentBuffer.Value[right].x.x, 0f, (float)segmentBuffer.Value[right].x.y);
                                    Plane leftPlane = new Plane(votherleft, vleft, vleft + Vector3.up * 25f);
                                    tempv = (float3)projectedEv2V3 - v.CamPosition;
                                    ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);

                                    //Debug.DrawLine(votherleft, projectedEv2V3);
                                    //Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction);
                                    if (leftPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))

                                        Vector3 l1 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                        //Debug.DrawLine(l1, projectedEv2V3);
                                        tempv = ((float3)(v2V3 + Vector3.up * 25f) - v.CamPosition);
                                        ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
                                        if (leftPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                                            Vector3 l2 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                            //Debug.DrawLine(l1, l2, Color.magenta);
                                            tempv = (float3)(v2V3) - v.CamPosition;
                                            ray = new Ray(v.CamPosition, tempv.normalized);
                                            if (leftPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
                                                Vector3 l3 = ray.GetPoint(enter);
                                                //Debug.DrawLine(l2, l3, Color.white);
                                                projectedEv2V3 = v2V3 + Vector3.up * 25f;
                                                vertices.AddRange(new Vector3[] { l1, l2, l3 });
                                                baseIndex = vertices.Count;
                                                colors.AddRange(new Color[] { color1, color2, color2 });
                                                // Add quad triangles
                                                triangles.AddRange(new int[] {
                                        baseIndex, baseIndex + 2, baseIndex + 1,});

                                                // Debug.DrawLine(l3, l1,;


    Debug.DrawLine(projectedEv1V3, v1V3,;
    Debug.DrawLine(projectedEv2V3, v2V3,;
    Debug.DrawLine(v1V3, projectedEv2V3, Color.yellow);

    baseIndex = vertices.Count;
    // Add quad vertices
    vertices.AddRange(new Vector3[] { v1V3, projectedEv1V3, projectedEv2V3, v2V3 });
    colors.AddRange(new Color[] { color1, color1, color2, color2 });
    // Add quad triangles
    triangles.AddRange(new int[] {
        baseIndex, baseIndex + 1, baseIndex + 2,
        baseIndex, baseIndex + 2, baseIndex + 3

I don’t want to be a troll but that’s all I have to say really.
If you intend to be able to repair something you don’t deliberately make it irreparable.
As a sidenote I haven’t seen that many braces since the highschool.

Edit: Btw, your problem stems from either 1) erroneous computation, or 2) floating point imprecision.
However given the state of your source, I doubt the fix is obvious to anyone.


Like i said, it works fine, then when it starts misbehaving copying it into a new unity install makes it work again

I’m not starting an argument but that is almost the perfect definition of “a bug”. You can’t fix broken code by copying it into a new project. It remains “broken” just not enough to exhibit the behavior.

It can be tedious and boring but you should break your code down into more manageable, testable parts and figure out what is going wrong and prevent it.

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if (true)
…? unless I’m missing something, this is never necessary.

if (leftPlane.Raycast(ray, out enter))
you’re nesting this multiple times. I don’t understand what you’re trying to do…if it’s to get multiple vertices, can’t you do it non-nested somehow?

Its been a while since I tore through the code but the problem mainly happens before the special render check as most segments dont require “special rendering”. This special rendering ensures that overhangs get rendered.