Sometimes the callback is not launched or not working as expected

Unity 2019.4.10
Unity Ads 3.4.9
Build on iOS 11 - 14

Problem : Sometimes the callback is not launched or launched with wrong ShowResult.

Testing on editor and my device works fine, but I have been reported by beta testers sometimes they dont get the “reward”, just sometimes, after watching an ad. My ads are all all non-skipable btw.

If the case were the showResult param is Failed the tester would see an error and I would get a report so it’s not the case. Either the listener stops working at some point or the OnUnityAdsDidFinish is not being launched, or is dettecting it as Skipped, which shouldn’t be possible since as I said all my ads are non skippable.

The code as you see is quite straightforward.


Hi, Would you be able to create a ads services ticket for this. We would like to take a closer look at this issue and will make it easier to share sensitive information. If possible would you also be able to include a screenshot of an advertisement that is having the above mentioned issue.

Sure, I just added some logs to the code to be reported when one fails. I will fill the ticket once I get another one. What kind of info would be useful for me to include in the ticket?

Hi, just include the details you’ve written here and any device logs or other info you think will be handy along with the gameID of the affected apps.

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