Sony Xperia Play and unity?

I saw the video campaign of the Sony Xperia Play and they showed the unity Brand trademark there with it´s support.
So my question is Will you have the union program to incorporate the Xperia Play?

By what was written on a blog post, the unity player (I suspect the android one) will be preinstalled on these devices, which would allow it to have 10mb smaller builds focused at it.

As its an android platform, I doubt it will be union as it requires no “small, specific port” focus.
As the 350k users part was pushed in various places, it sounds to me like it becomes available in a more general form, perhaps as special target for Unity Android

Thanks for the answer!

This might shed some light on the matter, though unsure on how much it holds for the future post the initial phase: Unity offers channel to PlayStation Phone - MCV/DEVELOP