AWESOME! I love it … I love that music on the front-end, the love-heart transitions (v.nice touch) and the little chain of people who help you when you fall out of the world!
As I mentioned, there may still be some caching issues on the site, so if you get something like a 404 hit reload until you randomly get a working server. It’s out of our control and it’s being worked on.
pucca?! i’m totally jealous! what a great ip to work with. congrats and nice job!
(cept now i got the theme song stuck in my head. should be used to it by now. my kid watches it all the time. well, at least it rocks in a funky kinda way.)
Wow! 2008 looks like it will be a huge year for Unity and Unity users with it starting off like it has! Good work. The game has a lot of appeal and I found myself wanting to drive off the cliff just to get a good look at the scenery…
Woah…i love this… i love Pucca too… soo cute
(i never know that Pucca is licensed by Disney now)
you’ve done a great job on creating a 3D version of her
btw for some reason i can’t race with another player/computer player.
also it seems the game dissapear when i try to play again this evening (it works this morning though).