Sooga Mountain Super Race released on Disney


A Unity game we had a large hand in making was recently released on Disney’s web site:

(There may still be some caching issues on the site, so if you get something like a 404 hit reload.)

We’re really proud and especially excited that some of these big companies are loving Unity now. :slight_smile:

Make sure and get to the third championship race and use D and F to swipe at people. It’s my favorite. :slight_smile:


Very Cool.

I get a 404 of sorts, cant find the page.


AWESOME! I love it … I love that music on the front-end, the love-heart transitions (v.nice touch) and the little chain of people who help you when you fall out of the world! :slight_smile:

Congrats on a job well done!

As I mentioned, there may still be some caching issues on the site, so if you get something like a 404 hit reload until you randomly get a working server. It’s out of our control and it’s being worked on. :slight_smile:


Awesome! Another ace of a game for Graveck Entertainment :smile:

Ok, best Unity game so far. Love the shortcuts. Great job!

man you guys are everywhere, congrats!

the game is fun (love the vertical track style) but i much prefer rc laser warrior ; )

pucca?! i’m totally jealous! what a great ip to work with. congrats and nice job!

(cept now i got the theme song stuck in my head. should be used to it by now. my kid watches it all the time. well, at least it rocks in a funky kinda way.)

nice job.

That’s pretty awesome. :slight_smile: Its cool to see Unity used in such large-scale environments.

Great job, congratulations.

Out of curiosity, may I ask how long this took to develop fully?

Cuteness. I love smacking the other drivers left and right.
RC Laser Warrior is still more fun though, since it has more nukes :smile:

Good stuff! Update to WMG to include this soon!

jon, i didn’t really play it before. was a little laggy on my g4 and i was “working.” runs great on my imac tho. realy well done. kudos!

[edit: and my kid gave it a “that’s cool!”]

Wow! 2008 looks like it will be a huge year for Unity and Unity users with it starting off like it has! Good work. The game has a lot of appeal and I found myself wanting to drive off the cliff just to get a good look at the scenery…

Woah…i love this… i love Pucca too… soo cute
(i never know that Pucca is licensed by Disney now)
you’ve done a great job on creating a 3D version of her :smile:

btw for some reason i can’t race with another player/computer player.

also it seems the game dissapear when i try to play again this evening (it works this morning though).

very cool indeed 8)

pretty nice one
the overall comic_style looks really great :slight_smile:
plays well with my imac c2d

AWESOME. Good gameplay, very polished, I absolutely love it.

Plays well, but sound is choppy. Was not able to input my name for the highscore - gui did not respond to keystrokes at all.

Grats on the job.