Sorry. You are not a registered Unity Asset Store publisher.

When I try to log in to my admin area, I get a curious error message: “Sorry. You are not a registered Unity Asset Store publisher.” Yesterday I could log in…

I’m not able to log-in now when I was trying to upload new content. I’m not the only one. This is bull… Asset Store will not load either.

We are currently updating the Asset Store servers. Everything should be ready within 5-10 minutes

Thanks for the quick reply brother freyr. Have a nice day.

@freyr Thanks for the info. Everything works now!

I know this is an old thread, but I am now having the same problem.
It has been happening for 1 day now.

Any suggestions?

Sorry about the bump, but this is becoming a big problem.

U should contact Asset store team, i don’t face this problem even my friends too !

I did that a few minutes ago. Hopefully they will have a solution/

Hi, I’m trying to access unity store and after 1 year same problem for me.

Any sujestion