Sort an array given an element

Hi i was wondering how i would go about sorting this

say i have 3 attributes

Name     Kills      DammageDone
TOM       4            163
JIM       3            334
BOB       5            233

//i want to do is sort by kills so the desired outcome will be

    Name     Kills      DammageDone
    BOB       5            233
    TOM       4            163
    JIM       3            334
    //or i can sort by Dammage and the outcome will be like this
    Name     Kills      DammageDone
    JIM       3            334
    BOB       5            233
    TOM       4            163

how would i go about doing that?

Linq Query

using System.Linq;   

    Attributes[] list = new Attributes[3];

    Attributes[] sortedList = list.OrderBy(c => c.DamageDone).ToArray();//c.DamageDone , c.Name,c.Kills
    public class Attributes
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Kills { get; set; }
        public int DamageDone { get; set; }

Example of Linq

Implement a sorting algorithm. There are many, see (Great series, helps you to understand). I usually go with the Quicksort.
LINQ sorting is also fast, you can have custom sorting rules, see this, this and this.

If your list contains models you can use Sort() with lambda expressions.

list.Sort((a, b) => a.kills - b.kills); //asc
list.Sort((a, b) => b.kills - a.kills); //desc


list.Sort((a, b) => a.damage - b.damage); //asc