can somebody explain me criteria of sorting in Animator window when you drag more animations there and in Animation window drop down menu ?
is there any way to change it?
can somebody explain me criteria of sorting in Animator window when you drag more animations there and in Animation window drop down menu ?
is there any way to change it?
The Animation window drop-down menu uses the order of the Animation component’s animations array. Many people aren’t aware that you can click on an array item in the inspector and press the Delete key to delete it, or Shift-Delete to clear it. You can also press Ctrl-D/Command-D to duplicate it, which adds a slot directly below it. You can then assign a new element to this slot, which is a way to insert an element into an array rather than appending it to the end.
As for the Animator window, I don’t understand what you’re asking. It doesn’t use a list; it uses a visual state machine graph.