Sound Collision

im making a rolling ball game. i wrote a sound script. but when the ball rollin on the floor hit sound play again n again. how can i put a limit. and disable floor sound.

var FloorSound : AudioClip;
var LockerSound : AudioClip;
var impactSoundThreshold = 0.5; // tweak this value

// both the “Enter” and the “Stay” collisions pass
// their data to the sound function:

function OnCollisionStay (collision : Collision) {

function OnCollisionEnter (collision : Collision) {

function PlayCollisionSound (collision : Collision) {

// check if the collision was hard enough to generate a sound
if (collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude > impactSoundThreshold) {

   // select the correct sound effect based on the object's tag
   switch (collision.gameObject.tag) {
       case "Concrete": audio.clip = FloorSound; break;
       case "Locker": audio.clip = LockerSound; break;

   // calculate the volume (anything above 4*Threshold = full volume)
   var volume = Mathf.InverseLerp(impactSoundThreshold, impactSoundThreshold*4, collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude);

   // play the audio
   audio.volume = volume;
