Sound Effect Help

Hi I am new to Unity and I need some help with sound effects. I am total beginner and so far I have been able to make a map with textures and background music, make a character controller, and add in custom objects but I am having a lot of trouble with sound effects. The guide I have been using does not go through them and I want to add in a small sound when you fall from a higher ledge to a higher one. I tried looking up a guide on youtube but they are all very confusing and they all require typing code but no one tells me how to get to the screen to type code in. So can someone walk me through how to add sound effects? Also please go through every step as I am a beginner. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey there!

As you are an absolute beginner, I am not sure whether your ambitions on what you are planning to do might be a little too high for your first steps. You should check out some of the beginner guides, an try to recreate what happens there.

I know it is frustrating to not be able to start with your own ideas, but you will have to ask for every single step, if you do not know the Basics.

Have a look: Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn

Thanks but I was following a beginners guide and I followed him exactly. I learned most beginner skills but before I start making my own stuff I need to learn a bit more. I started with background music and now I want to move onto sound effects. So if you can’t explain how to make sound effects work can you at least explain on how to open the page where I can enter code so I can follow the youtube guide? Here is the link to the guide I was trying to use

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In unity, in the direcory explorer, just right click for the context menu, then select Create-> C# script or Javascript.
It will create the script. Then you double click the script and it will open in an editor.

Watch the scripting tutorials

Thanks :slight_smile: