Sound files not included in android APK


I have a bunch of .wav audio files in assets/Sounds, these audio clips are referenced by various GameObjects in the scene (with the inspector). When playing the sounds in the editor, all works great. When I build my project to an android apk, I can play the game. But everytime a sound should play, I find the error below in the android console, stating it can not find the right resource for the sound. I’m using Unity 5.0.0f4 (64-bit) on windows 8.

the error is taken from the android console with 'adb logcat -s Unity"

E/Unity (15708): Error: Cannot create FMOD::Sound instance for resource shared assets0.resource, (File not found. )

E/Unity (15708): (Filename: Line: 835)

Thank you for any help you can give!

I finally found the solution by accident.
Under Player Settings > Publishing Settings the option Split Application Binary was on. This option needs to be OFF.

I NEED to split the binary. Does someone found an actual solution to this issue?