Sound on moving an object

Hi! I’ am total beginner and i mostly copy and paste scripts to make things work ( also I’m french so sorry broken for the English).

I guess it’s really simple, i have a FPS character that can move objects,I need them to make a sound (like a Rolling ball sound for exemple) when I move them, pushing them… I tried to use a script that play sound on collision but the result is too weird.

Here is the script :

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CollisionSound : MonoBehaviour
    //volume: 0..1
    private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision)

If someone as Something i’ll be really Gratefull !

change the oncollisitionstay to OnCollisionEnter, oncollisionstay is being called every fixed frame so you are playing over and over and over the same clip (a lot of times persecond)