Sound OnTriggerEvent with HTC Vive Camera (head) wont play.

Have a BIG problem I whould say.
I want to play a sound when the MainCamera of the HTC Vive [CameraRig] enter my trigger that is a CUBE.

So this is how I have set it up.
I have a CUBE that is set *is trigger. The [CameraRig] has a AudioListener and the CUBE has a AudioSource and my Script is attached to the CUBE.

The MainCamera of the [CameraRig] is Camera (head) and it has a Rigidbody attach that is set to is kinematic.

So that what the setup looks like and here is the script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlaySound : MonoBehaviour {
	public AudioClip soundToPlay;
	public float volume;
	AudioSource audio;
	public bool played = false;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

	void OnTriggerEnter() {

			if (!played) {
				audio.PlayOneShot (soundToPlay, volume);
				played = true;


	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {



When the Camera (head) collide with the CUBE nothing happen.
Why is this?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[RequireComponent ( typeof(AudioSource))]
public class PlaySound : MonoBehaviour 

	public AudioClip soundToPlay;
	public float volume;
	public bool played = false;

	void Start () 
		this.GetComponent<AudioSource>().clip = soundToPlay;
		this.GetComponent<AudioSource> ().volume = volume;

	// Make sure  your camera or your camera's parent has a collider...
	// Make sure Box collider has the trigger check marked on ckecked...
	// MAke Sure This Script is attached to the Cube only...
	// Make sure to take frequent brakes when programming. in helps calm you to make you think better..

	void OnTriggerEnter() 
		if (!played) 
			this.GetComponent<AudioSource> ().Play ();
			played = true;