Sound Problem?

Hello Guys,

I am having a lot of trouble getting a sound to play while the FPS controller is walking using 4.6.1f. Yes, I know I should really be using Unity5 but I don’t want to mix the packages.

Anyway, the sound I am getting is close to electrical static than a foot step sound. I can sort of understand why it might be happening with the sound being generated within an update, but, I cannot figure out how to stop it occurring.

As always a big thankyou goes out to those who can help with this problem.


The code I have used is as follows:

#pragma strict

var controller: CharacterController;

function Start () {
     controller = GetComponent(CharacterController);

//playerwalking function
function Update () {

    if (controller.isGrounded && (controller.velocity.magnitude > 1 && controller.velocity.magnitude < 11) ) {

}//end function

Same problem as here

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Aha - so I was right about the sound firing every frame. So, I tried the solution at that link using the:

if NOT audio.isPlaying then audio.Play

and that stopped the weird electrical static. I was surprised that Unity sort of recommended the way I was using in it’s Scripting API docs with the results that a person is going to get - oh well. The only problem now with the sound is with the timing, I think I’ll enlarge the sound file to make it longer rather than try and code a solution - I’m too much of a noob for that :p.

Thanks greatly for your post it really helped :sunglasses:.