Sound when dead

Hello there

So far I can get my character to die,fade to red when he dies, and respawn, I also can get him to die (and make a sound) when he touches a pool of death. However what I cant do is to get the player to make a sound when he looses a life normally. I am wanting to add this to a script as it seems to have worked on the death pool.


I have tried a number of things, with no effect no sound at all, I also dont know which script to add it to,controls or health but atm I have tried both with no effect heres the sections where I think it may need adding:-

Health Script

       var maximumHitPoints = 100.0;
var hitPoints = 100.0;
var healthGUI : GUITexture;
var explosion: Transform;
var die;
private var healthGUIWidth = 0.0;
private var gotHitTimer = -1.0;
var hitmetal:AudioClip;
//var deathSound:AudioClip;

function Awake () {
    healthGUIWidth = healthGUI.pixelInset.width;

function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {
    if (hitPoints < 0.0)

    // Apply damage
    hitPoints -= damage;

    // Are we dead?
    if (hitPoints < 0.0)
        //add a hit sound here


function Die () {

    // Disable all script behaviours (Essentially deactivating player control)
    var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
    for (var b in coms) 
        var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
        if (p)
            p.enabled = false;
    //subtract life here

    PlayerLives.LIVES -=1;

//fades screen to red when dead
    LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel,, 2.0);

    //explodes characters
    var exp = Instantiate(explosion, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);


function LateUpdate () {

    // Update gui every frame
    // We do this in late update to make sure machine guns etc. were already executed

function UpdateGUI () {
    // Update health gui
    // The health gui is rendered using a overlay texture which is scaled down based on health
    // - Calculate fraction of how much health we have left (0...1)
    var healthFraction = Mathf.Clamp01(hitPoints / maximumHitPoints);

    // - Adjust maximum pixel inset based on it
    healthGUI.pixelInset.xMax = healthGUI.pixelInset.xMin + healthGUIWidth * healthFraction;

@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)

Controls Script

//var deathSound:AudioClip;

// Does this script currently respond to Input?
var canControl = true;

// The character will spawn at spawnPoint's position when needed.  This could be changed via a script at runtime to implement, e.g. waypoints/savepoints.
var spawnPoint : Transform;

class RobotControllerMovement {
    // The speed when walking 
    var walkSpeed = 3.0;
    // when pressing "Fire1" button (control) we start running
    var runSpeed = 10.0;

    var inAirControlAcceleration = 1.0;

    // The gravity for the character
    var gravity = 60.0;
    var maxFallSpeed = 20.0;

    // How fast does the character change speeds?  Higher is faster.
    var speedSmoothing = 5.0;

    // This controls how fast the graphics of the character "turn around" when the player turns around using the controls.
    var rotationSmoothing = 10.0;

    // The current move direction in x-y.  This will always been (1,0,0) or (-1,0,0)
    // The next line, @System.NonSerialized , tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.  Very handy for organization!
    var direction =;

    // The current vertical speed
    var verticalSpeed = 0.0;

    // The current movement speed.  This gets smoothed by speedSmoothing.
    var speed = 0.0;

    // Is the user pressing the left or right movement keys?
    var isMoving = false;

    // The last collision flags returned from controller.Move
    var collisionFlags : CollisionFlags; 

    // We will keep track of an approximation of the character's current velocity, so that we return it from GetVelocity () for our camera to use for prediction.
    var velocity : Vector3;

    // This keeps track of our current velocity while we're not grounded?
    var inAirVelocity =;

    // This will keep track of how long we have we been in the air (not grounded)
    var hangTime = 0.0;

var movement : RobotControllerMovement;

// We will contain all the jumping related variables in one helper class for clarity.
class RobotControllerJumping {
    // Can the character jump?
    var enabled = true;

    // How high do we jump when pressing jump and letting go immediately
    var height = 1.0;
    // We add extraHeight units (meters) on top when holding the button down longer while jumping
    var extraHeight = 4.1;

    // This prevents inordinarily too quick jumping
    // The next line, @System.NonSerialized , tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view.  Very handy for organization!
    var repeatTime = 0.05;

    var timeout = 0.15;

    // Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet)
    var jumping = false;

    var reachedApex = false;

    // Last time the jump button was clicked down
    var lastButtonTime = -10.0;

    // Last time we performed a jump
    var lastTime = -1.0;

    // the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.)
    var lastStartHeight = 0.0;

var jump : PlatformerControllerJumping;

private var controller : CharacterController;

// Moving platform support.
private var activePlatform : Transform;
private var activeLocalPlatformPoint : Vector3;
private var activeGlobalPlatformPoint : Vector3;
private var lastPlatformVelocity : Vector3;

// This is used to keep track of special effects in UpdateEffects ();
private var areEmittersOn = false;

function Awake () {
    movement.direction = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward);
    controller = GetComponent (CharacterController);
    Spawn ();

function Spawn () {
    // reset the character's speed
    movement.verticalSpeed = 0.0;
    movement.speed = 0.0;

    // reset the character's position to the spawnPoint
    transform.position = spawnPoint.position;


function OnDeath () {

    Spawn ();


function UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection () {   
    var h = Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal");

    if (!canControl)
        h = 0.0;

    movement.isMoving = Mathf.Abs (h) > 0.1;

    if (movement.isMoving)
        movement.direction = Vector3 (h, 0, 0);

    // Grounded controls
    if (controller.isGrounded) {
        // Smooth the speed based on the current target direction
        var curSmooth = movement.speedSmoothing * Time.deltaTime;

        // Choose target speed
        var targetSpeed = Mathf.Min (Mathf.Abs(h), 1.0);

        // Pick speed modifier
        if (Input.GetButton ("Fire2") && canControl)
            targetSpeed *= movement.runSpeed;
            targetSpeed *= movement.walkSpeed;

        movement.speed = Mathf.Lerp (movement.speed, targetSpeed, curSmooth);

        movement.hangTime = 0.0;
    else {
        // In air controls
        movement.hangTime += Time.deltaTime;
        if (movement.isMoving)
            movement.inAirVelocity += Vector3 (Mathf.Sign(h), 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime * movement.inAirControlAcceleration;

function FixedUpdate () {
    // Make sure we are absolutely always in the 2D plane.
    transform.position.z = 0;


function ApplyJumping () {
    // Prevent jumping too fast after each other
    if (jump.lastTime + jump.repeatTime > Time.time)

    if (controller.isGrounded) {
        // Jump
        // - Only when pressing the button down
        // - With a timeout so you can press the button slightly before landing     
        if (jump.enabled && Time.time < jump.lastButtonTime + jump.timeout) {
            movement.verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (jump.height);
            movement.inAirVelocity = lastPlatformVelocity;
            SendMessage ("DidJump", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

function ApplyGravity () {
    // Apply gravity
    var jumpButton = Input.GetButton ("Jump");

    if (!canControl)
        jumpButton = false;

    // When we reach the apex of the jump we send out a message
    if (jump.jumping && !jump.reachedApex && movement.verticalSpeed <= 0.0) {
        jump.reachedApex = true;
        SendMessage ("DidJumpReachApex", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

    // * When jumping up we don't apply gravity for some time when the user is holding the jump button
    //   This gives more control over jump height by pressing the button longer
    var extraPowerJump =  jump.jumping && movement.verticalSpeed > 0.0 && jumpButton && transform.position.y < jump.lastStartHeight + jump.extraHeight && !IsTouchingCeiling ();

    if (extraPowerJump)
    else if (controller.isGrounded)
        movement.verticalSpeed = -movement.gravity * Time.deltaTime;
        movement.verticalSpeed -= movement.gravity * Time.deltaTime;

    // Make sure we don't fall any faster than maxFallSpeed.  This gives our character a terminal velocity.
    movement.verticalSpeed = Mathf.Max (movement.verticalSpeed, -movement.maxFallSpeed);

function CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (targetJumpHeight : float) {
    // From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed 
    // for the character to reach at the apex.
    return Mathf.Sqrt (2 * targetJumpHeight * movement.gravity);

function DidJump () {
    jump.jumping = true;
    jump.reachedApex = false;
    jump.lastTime = Time.time;
    jump.lastStartHeight = transform.position.y;
    jump.lastButtonTime = -10;

function UpdateEffects () {
    wereEmittersOn = areEmittersOn;
    areEmittersOn = jump.jumping && movement.verticalSpeed > 0.0;

    // By comparing the previous value of areEmittersOn to the new one, we will only update the particle emitters when needed
    if (wereEmittersOn != areEmittersOn) {
        for (var emitter in GetComponentsInChildren (ParticleEmitter)) {
            emitter.emit = areEmittersOn;

function Update () {

    if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && canControl) {
        jump.lastButtonTime = Time.time;


    if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")&&canControl) {
    //makes jumping noise
    // Apply gravity
    // - extra power jump modifies gravity
    ApplyGravity ();

    // Apply jumping logic
    ApplyJumping ();

    // Moving platform support
    if (activePlatform != null) {
        var newGlobalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.TransformPoint(activeLocalPlatformPoint);
        var moveDistance = (newGlobalPlatformPoint - activeGlobalPlatformPoint);
        transform.position = transform.position + moveDistance;
        lastPlatformVelocity = (newGlobalPlatformPoint - activeGlobalPlatformPoint) / Time.deltaTime;
    } else {
        lastPlatformVelocity =;    

    activePlatform = null;

    // Save lastPosition for velocity calculation.
    lastPosition = transform.position;

    // Calculate actual motion
    var currentMovementOffset = movement.direction * movement.speed + Vector3 (0, movement.verticalSpeed, 0) + movement.inAirVelocity;

    // We always want the movement to be framerate independent.  Multiplying by Time.deltaTime does this.
    currentMovementOffset *= Time.deltaTime;

    // Move our character!
    movement.collisionFlags = controller.Move (currentMovementOffset);

    // Calculate the velocity based on the current and previous position.  
    // This means our velocity will only be the amount the character actually moved as a result of collisions.
    movement.velocity = (transform.position - lastPosition) / Time.deltaTime;

    // Moving platforms support
    if (activePlatform != null) {
        activeGlobalPlatformPoint = transform.position;
        activeLocalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.InverseTransformPoint (transform.position);

    // Set rotation to the move direction   
    if (movement.direction.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation (movement.direction), Time.deltaTime * movement.rotationSmoothing);

    // We are in jump mode but just became grounded
    if (controller.isGrounded) {
        movement.inAirVelocity =;
        if (jump.jumping) {
            jump.jumping = false;
            SendMessage ("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

            var jumpMoveDirection = movement.direction * movement.speed + movement.inAirVelocity;
            if (jumpMoveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)
                movement.direction = jumpMoveDirection.normalized;

    // Update special effects like rocket pack particle effects
    UpdateEffects ();
    //if (OnDeath) audio.PlayOneShot(deathSound);

function OnControllerColliderHit (hit : ControllerColliderHit)
    if (hit.moveDirection.y > 0.01) 

    // Make sure we are really standing on a straight platform
    // Not on the underside of one and not falling down from it either!
    if (hit.moveDirection.y < -0.9 && hit.normal.y > 0.9) {
        activePlatform = hit.collider.transform;    

    var body : Rigidbody = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
    // no rigidbody
    if (body == null || body.isKinematic)

    // Only push rigidbodies in the right layers
    var bodyLayerMask = 1 << body.gameObject.layer;
    if ((bodyLayerMask & pushLayers.value) == 0)

    // We dont want to push objects below us
    if (hit.moveDirection.y < -0.3) 

    // Calculate push direction from move direction, we only push objects to the sides
    // never up and down
    var pushDir = Vector3 (hit.moveDirection.x, 0, hit.moveDirection.z);

    // push with move speed but never more than walkspeed
    body.velocity = pushDir * pushPower;

// Various helper functions below:
function GetSpeed () {
    return movement.speed;

function GetVelocity () {
    return movement.velocity;

function IsMoving () {
    return movement.isMoving;

function IsJumping () {
    return jump.jumping;

function IsTouchingCeiling () {
    return (movement.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedAbove) != 0;

function GetDirection () {
    return movement.direction;

function GetHangTime() {
    return movement.hangTime;

function Reset () {
    gameObject.tag = "Player";

function SetControllable (controllable : boolean) {
    canControl = controllable;

// Require a character controller to be attached to the same game object
@script RequireComponent (CharacterController)
@script AddComponentMenu ("2D Platformer/Platformer Controller")

// How hard the player can push
var pushPower = 0.5;

// Which layers the player can push
// This is useful to make unpushable rigidbodies
var pushLayers : LayerMask = -1;

& here is the player lives script

var life1: Texture2D; //one life left
var life2: Texture2D; //two life left
var life3: Texture2D; //full lifes

static var LIVES = 3;

function Update ()

case 3:
guiTexture.texture = life3;


case 2:
guiTexture.texture = life2;


case 1:
guiTexture.texture = life1;


case 0:

LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(2,, 1);

//gameover script here

I have looked into the 3D platform tutorial and have had no luck :(

[EDIT] When I do put it in the Die section like this(after changes):-

function Die () {

// Disable all script behaviours (Essentially deactivating player control)
var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
for (var b in coms) 
    var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
    if (p)
        p.enabled = false;
//subtract life here

PlayerLives.LIVES -=1;

//fades screen to red when dead

LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel,, 2.0);

//explodes characters
var exp = Instantiate(explosion, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);


It doesnt do nothing either, when it fades it cuts the sound, so I suspect it has something to do with that ?

The script that goes to the other scene comes from the lives script(shown earlier), on the last life it fades to red like the rest, however the fade lasts a second longer (not a problem) but its just the sound that freaks out, the sound automatically starts on the other scene.

 var deathSound : AudioClip;
PlayAudioClip(deathSound, transform.position, 5);

function PlayAudioClip (clip : AudioClip, position : Vector3, volume : float)

yeah the idea of giving the sound a break sounds like the right plan

Assuming you've declared a variable called deathSound at the top of your script to hold the audio clip:

var deathSound : AudioClip;

Does your player character have an AudioSource component? Without this, you cannot play sounds and you should get an error saying the script is trying to access an audio source that doesn't exist. You can make sure there is always an audio source attached to the gameObject you put this script on by adding the following line to the bottom of your script (note there need not be a semi-colon):

@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)

If you've declared a variable for the audio clip, you will need to assign the audio clip in the Inspector (again, you should be getting an error if you haven't done this). You can check sounds are working by assigning the audio clip to the Audio Source itself (Not the slot on your script), and check Play On Awake. If you hear the sound when the game starts, then it should work when you assign it to your script's slot.


AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(deathSound, transform.position);

seems to work for me (the entire audioclip plays). I've seen other people using that but didn't fully understand what this method did until I read this topic on the boards here. I think it works because it doesn't require you to have an audiosource on the object to begin with. Again, the alternative is probably to have the audio on a different object than the one being destroyed. I've posted my current enemy health code below, it's almost a bare-bones framework of what you have:

private var isDead : boolean = false;
var myHealth : int = 10;
var spawnPoint : Transform;
var deathSound : AudioClip;

function ApplyDamage (damage : int) {
    print("damage dealt to ";
    myHealth -= damage; 

    if (!isDead && myHealth <= 0){

function OnDeath(){

    isDead = true;
    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(deathSound, transform.position);
    transform.position = spawnPoint.position;

@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)