SoundManager.LoadFMODSound causes a critical spike

var handle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>( "bgm/001" );
yield return handle;

Just by loading the above.
SoundManager.LoadFMODSound would cause a very large spike.

The settings for this AudioClip are as follows, it should be streaming…

Does anyone know the cause of the problem?

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Does the problem only occur when using ‘Use Asset Database’?

I also had the same problem

+1, has anyone found a solution to this problem?

If it still happens, please open a bug report.

@airoll , check your import settings on your audio file. I also had a large spike from SoundManager.LoadFMODSound. (In my case however, I am not streaming the AudioClip)
Selecting the option “Load in background” fixed the spike, as the loading is no longer on the main thread. Switching to streaming, or loading the file as compressed in memory also reduce the spike significantly.
Unity 2021.3.9f1


Hi @AndyUnityDeveloper that worked thank you so much!!!

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But if I load audio clip from device storage using UnityWebRequest, there is no way to toggle loadInBackground, because it’s read-only.

Current frame accumulated time:
230.69ms for 2 instances on thread 'Main Thread'```

Hi, it still happens (2022.3.10), does anyone have any ideas? I tried switching everything to LoadInBackground, but it did not change. I am not using FMOD.

I can see: ![]( ![](

but I cannot even find what asset is being loaded
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