SoundManagerPro is now free!

Hi all!

As a chance to focus more on MustHave iOS, MustHave Android and new game releases, SoundManagerPro is now completely free on the Unity AssetStore. The decision to make it free was really centered around two reasons:

  • The release of Unity5 with it’s new audio features.
  • Why not provide an opportunity for developers to easily access an audio solution to work with.

While I don’t plan on adding extensive features, feel free to use it and improve upon it by posting updates on the forums. It’d be great if SMP became a community built product.

Have Fun!


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Thanks for making it free. This plugin was one of my wishlist!

Thats a nice surprise, thanks :slight_smile: One question you say part of the reason is the release of Unity 5 does that mean that Unity 5 has new features that make SoundManager redundant, I ask as I am about to start a Unity 5 project and was looking for a sound system but if Unity 5 is going to have a load of functionality that was provided by your plugin I might be better off just sticking with Unity 5 features?

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Since I am one of your customer. I feel . . . . aah forget it.

I hope you make MustHave iOS faaar better than before. So, I can leave SMP peacefully. :slight_smile:

Does that mean you won’t support it anymore? For example if there are certain questions about specific stuff?

It’s like you read my mind and words :p, almost posted a similar messages down to the features that make sound manager redundant.

While it’s easy to feel a little annoyed, I like to see it the same way as watching a film on TV that you once paid for in the cinema, or to buy.

Over time, things devalue, and the only way software keeps it’s value IMHO is with constant updates. Providing you got good use out of it at the time, all is good :slight_smile:

Well Unity5 is doing a lot of interesting things with audio. In my opinion, it’s really going to make all Unity audio plugins obsolete. While there are still things that SMP (and other audio plugins) do that won’t be in Unity5 (how SMP handles background music specifically, etc), a lot of other features will be included in 5. They are making a lot of efforts with audio implementation.

Yeah, it really wasn’t an easy decision. However, it doesn’t mean I won’t support SMP. I’ll also make efforts to update it, just not very frequently.

Now I can put a lot of effort in to MHiOS, and specifically MHAndroid

I’ll definitely provide support!