I upgraded to Unity 2018.2. Since then I can not debug anymore. The reason for this is, that the visual studio project lists files, that are not available on the hard drive.
The errors look like this:
For me a single file was missing; which was 1 file I deleted because it was not used anywhere. When I got this error, I created the file (in my case it was a c# script) in the location where Unity was complaining about not finding it. Then the compile worked fine. After running the game in play mode I deleted the file from inside Unity and everything worked again.
i hope all of above answers may work for someone but i didn’t got success on all and using mono so Visual Studio not my issue.
i solved by minimizing my project name directory means shrink my project name, no tested directories.
E:\Updates\Virtual Police Dad game New Project etc.0.13_Unity.2017.4.6.f1\Virtual Police Dad game New Project etc.0.13_Unity.2017.4.6.f1\Assets\Invector-3rdPersonController\Basic Locomotion\Scripts\XInput\Plugins
"E:\Updates\VirtualDad\VirtualDad\Assets\Invector-3rdPersonController\Basic Locomotion\Scripts\XInput\Plugins "