Source of normal-looking human NPCs?

Hi there,

I am creating my first game and need a large number (say, 30-40) of human NPCs to populate my scenes. Does anyone know of an existing asset / source for a group of generic looking humans? They need to be a normal mix of ages/races/sizes/clothes not fantasy figures. If such a source doesn’t exist, I assume I would need to create each one individually using iClone (or whatever) and import them individually?

For information, the game will be 3D isometric and doesn’t require particularly hi-fidelity models as the camera won’t get that close.

All advice appreciated, than you.


you can try out . it’s free atm and contains a lot of animations and customization.

The assetstore also contains a lot of assets:

Thanks Muhsin, are you aware of any bulk sources of ‘people’ rather than having to buy/create each individually?


I have finally found some group options on the asset store (I had looked previously but clearly not at every page).

For information to anyone who creates character assets, it would be good if groups of characters were ‘common’. At present, all options include an unrealistically diverse group of people - is it likely that business women, punks, strippers, pensioners and children will be hanging put together?!..

Groups by theme would be good.

I guess most people need more diversity when populating their environments. Remember you can always reskin exiting models. Some games only have one male and female model and rest is done with textures and props.

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My first “goto” is

I guess something like this?

Nice, thanks for the suggestions. Re-skinning looks like the solution.

Audience Crowd is free and has a range of lo-fi, animated male characters in modern clothing.