I am making a flight sim like freelancer and black prophicy but I have a problem. I want it so the camera follows the mouse or crosshairs but is not linked to my ship, at the same time I want the ship to follow the mouse but not in a parrel line,so it creates the feeling that the ship is following the mouse with a bit of dely and the forward point of the ship moves towards the mouse instead of the hole ship, I tryed puting a empty game obj in front of the ship anf making it the parent but it hadnt worked,
Does anyone know like a fourm post or know what im doing wrong or even can tell me what to do,
Ive seen two other posts like this and used the scripts but they didn’t work
I’m not sure what you want from your description. If you want the camera to change its look direction when the mouse is on the edge of the frame like I saw in a Freelancer video on YouTube you can do something like: