Space Graphics Toolkit & Planets

I believe it worsens the higher the planet radius. But it is definitely always there even at small radiuses, even when the thickness is very low <0.2.
Smaller suspicion is some relationship between sky height and cloud height not being taken into account to do with how cloud radius determines visibility in the distance (think planet curvature determining visibility in the horizon) but sky component meanwhile is kinda detached from that principle even if said sky also does the function of being the cloud container. (Chances are I am just saying a bunch of nonsense in here :sweat_smile:)

Great, thank you!


I donā€™t think I quite understand what SGTLight ThreatAsPoint and SGTLightPointer are made for.

As it says in the documentation, itā€™s for distant lights to cast shadows, but I have a use case that I donā€™t know if itā€™s integrated into the plugin, and itā€™s very difficult for me to try out example scenes since many are broken in HDRP.

I imagine it will also serve to make it behave like a point light, for example:
Planet - Sun - Planet (aligned) should illuminate the faces of the planet that are hit by this point light.
It does this, but it doesnā€™t render the light unless the camera is very close to the planet.

Am I doing something wrong?
Video atttached:

Hi @Darkcoder ,
Iā€™m using a SGT Galaxy as a kind of holographic map, inside a transparent sphere.
I want it to be zoomable by basically to increasing the scale of the SGT Galaxyā€™s transform.

Would it be possible to have a kind of ā€œmaskā€ effect, where only the parts of the Galaxy that are contained inside the sphere appear?

thanks for the reply @Darkcoder1, I think I was mislead about the SRP batcher. Basically I am experiencing an error in the project I am working on, which uses SRP batcher but also Entities Graphics. The sky shader errors out producing magenta. This is the error:

A BatchDrawCommand is using a pass from the shader "Space Graphics Toolkit/Sky" that is not SRP Batcher compatible. Reason: "UnityPerMaterial var is not declared in shader property section" (_SGT_Sky)
This is not supported when rendering with a BatchRendererGroup (or Entities Graphics). MaterialID: 4 ("Sky (Generated)"), MeshID: 1 ("Sky40"), BatchID: 3.

So I guess the better question is will there be Entities Graphics support soon? :slight_smile:

Hi, @Darkcoder1 I would like to re-phrase my old question like this, I know you dont support DOTS 100% but can i use normal dots/entites for other things and mix the entites physics with forget? I mean will it bake? Thanks

I donā€™t use Entities and have no interest in trying it because very few people do, so assume it doesnā€™t work. SGT and Planet Forge both create and destroy GameObjects a lot during runtime, so itā€™s unlikely any of these ā€˜converting GameObjectsā€™ systems would be compatible.

If this is something the Better Shaders shader compiler can implement then sure, but since very few people use entities it makes no sense for any asset developer to support.

Iā€™ll see what I can come up with.


Iā€™ll include this in the next version.


Iā€™m not sure if this has been mentioned, but I thought Iā€™d try a URP version of my project in Unity 6, and the Planet Forge clouds extend past the horizon on a clean install. Itā€™s 6000.0.30 with version 1.1.7 of Planet Forge, using the demo scenes at the default scale.

Edit: I thought Iā€™d seen this mentioned somewhere: Space Graphics Toolkit & Planets - #4618 by Tsilliev but I donā€™t see if it was resolved.

I briefly tested this when it was reported, but I wasnā€™t able to replicate it. Perhaps you must manually enable the Camera Depth Texture in the URP settings asset? My URP test project was made a while ago so I probably enabled this. Iā€™m currently looking into some HDRP issues, but Iā€™ll get to testing URP after.

Wow thatā€™s great, exactly what I need!
Thank you

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This new forum format is getting me crazy!

It seems that the issue occurs when the sun is close to the planet and the camera is behind the sun (even if the sun is only a light with no shadow sphere)

@Darkcoder1 is this an issue?

Edit: Planet types with this issue are PlanetForge, TerrainPlanet & Planet. Jovian works well. Example:

I checked and Depth Texture is enabled in the URP settings.

Hi @Darkcoder1

Hope youā€™re well. Planet Forge is really great but Iā€™ve encountered some huge memory consumption issues. Even when details and quality is set very low. Iā€™ve sent a handful of e-mails on the 2nd and 3rd of December detailing my findings.

If youā€™re able to please have a look and perhaps give some guidance that would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much!

Iā€™ll take a look now.

Is it possible to make the SgtLandscapeColor script so that it can generate a smaller ice cap?
I tried playing with the parameters but the closest thing was increasing the Mask Detail Offset to something higher. But that also pushes the snow further down.

Can it be made somehow so that there is no snow from the red line down?

Or in the case of tidally locked exoplanets, can we rotate the snowy region to the back of the planet?

The overall ice cap size is defined by the Mask Tex only. For example, Bryndor uses the IceCaps5 texture, which has the greatest coverage. You can change this to IceCaps1 which is very minimal coverage. Keep in mind these textures all have noise detail applied, so if you want a hard edge you will have to make your own texture.

Before releasing Planet Forge 1.0.0 I experimented with a purely procedural ice cap mask generating component, but I couldnā€™t easily get the ice cap transition looking as good as the current one made with Photoshop. I think this still holds true, so what I have in mind is a component that can take a thin strip texture of the transition, and allow you to control the thickness and position of it. Then like the heightmaps I could make a library of transition types, and youā€™ll still have control over where it goes.

Allowing these textures to be rotated is a possibility, but it would incur a performance penalty. Doesnā€™t it make more sense to just rotate the planet itself?

An update to fix multi planet memory usage and HDRP flickering is about to go out though. I also still need to figure out what causes the depth map issue in URP, so once these critical issues are out of the way Iā€™ll get back to features!

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Glad to hear about the progress!
This is only for big planets, but I thought Iā€™d mention it because it seems to be new for Unity 6. Iā€™m these errors in the URP project:

Detected one or more triangles where the distance between any 2 vertices is greater than 500 units. The resulting Triangle Mesh can impact simulation and query stability. It is recommended to tessellate meshes that have large triangles. Source mesh name:
UnityEngine.MeshCollider:set_sharedMesh (UnityEngine.Mesh)