Space not working?

Hi im having trouble with jumping nothing works for me
i tried:




nothing seems to work

You donā€™t need to include Time.deltaTime with physics operations, since they run at a fixed update interval.

My guess is the problem isnā€™t with the input not being detected, but the value of y * Time.deltaTime given to the AddForce method results in such a tiny number that it is basically 0.


Especially if gravity is on, it will dramatically overpower this tiny amount of force.

That said we donā€™t have nearly enough of the code to be sure that this is the problem. What function is this line in? Is that function even being run? What is yā€™s value?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    public int x,y,z;
    public Rigidbody rb;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    void FixedUpdate()

the other keys work though, if i change space to g for example, it works

Do you have gravity? If you have gravity and are sliding along the floor, then your force would have to be large to overcome it and get off the ground.

As mentioned above, donā€™t use Time.deltaTime in this situation. AddForce takes the time into account already.

What are the values of x, y, and z? These are intā€™s, which is immediately suspicious to me - an int * float becomes an int, which truncates anything beyond the decimal point, so x*Time.deltaTime would have to be returning 0 unless x > 50ish, for example.

In any case, definitely always use the KeyCode version of GetKey() - it makes it impossible to mess up stuff like capitalization/spelling in the string version of it.

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On a side note, please look into some general guides about code structure. Your code is quite unreadable to someone on the side and my guess is it will be quite unreadable to you in the future if you decide to come back to it.

You should avoid using GetKey in FixedUpdate. GetKey returns true only on frames the key is held down, but FixedUpdate does not run every frame. So it can and will miss some quick key presses.

Capture your input in Update, act on it in FixedUpdate.

i changed them to floats nothing happened
x = 30
y = 50
z = 30

what i did front,back,left,right then jump with ā€œgā€ but when i change ā€œgā€ to space it does nothing

OK, thatā€™s officially bizarre. The video helps to rule out a lot of possible rookie errors that may cause issues, and leaves us withā€¦ uhā€¦ I honestly donā€™t know.

Is there any chance you have an unusual keyboard setup (where unusual = ā€œnot American Englishā€ in this context)? Iā€™m grasping at straws a bit.

Try adding this to your script and seeing what the result is - letā€™s confirm whether you can actually receive spacebar input:

        private static readonly KeyCode[] KeyCodes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode))
        .Where(k => ((int)k < (int)KeyCode.Mouse0))
        private void Update()
            if (Input.anyKeyDown)
                for (int i = 0; i < KeyCodes.Length; i++)
                    KeyCode kc = KeyCodes[i];
                    if (Input.GetKeyDown(kc))
                        Debug.Log($"Input detected: {kc.ToString()}");

Press spacebar and see what this outputs. On my computer, I get ā€œInput detected: Spaceā€.


it says: The name ā€˜Enumā€™ does not exist in the current context [Assembly-CSharp]
i dont know what to do to fix that i just have surface level c# knowledge

And i dont have a american english keyboard

I guess it will never be fixed :frowning:

Add to the top of your script file:

using System;
using System.Linq;

this is weird the output on the console when i pressed space is:

Input detected: O
PlayerMovement:Update() (at Assets/PlayerMovement.cs:29)

and the letters are messed up too
maybe unity is using a different keyboard layout?


Yep, itā€™s a known bug. The bug doesnā€™t happen in built game, only in the editor; just use another key until itā€™s is fixed. :slight_smile:

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Sooo i cant do anything about it?

Work around it until the bug is fixed. As far as bugs go, this oneā€™s not too hard to work around, assuming that your spacebar consistently reports as an ā€œOā€, etc. Something like:

if (Input.GetKeyDown(SpacebarKey() ) {

public static KeyCode SpacebarKey() {
if (Application.isEditor) return KeyCode.O;
else return KeyCode.Space;

Do the same thing for any other key you need to check a KeyCode for. Whenever the bug is fixed, just remove the if/else part and just return KeyCode.Space.

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well that worked! THANK YOU SO MUCH

Hi! Just wanted to hop in and say that I was experiencing this same exact problem. Spacebar reports as ā€œOā€ in my environment, as well. So, +1 on this workaround being helpful. I was going nuts trying to figure it out. Tried different installs of Unity and Linux, even. Huge sigh of relief
Thank you, so much!


You can also use a version of Unity that doesnā€™t have this problem. As far as I know only the alpha versions from a16 have it.

@ Iā€™ve been using 2019.4.7f1 when I encountered the issue. I also tried 2020.1.1f1 and 2018.4.25f1 in my troubleshooting attempts, and had the same issue in those. However, I didnā€™t have a problem when 2019.4 was 2019.4.6-something. I may dig through the version archives, out of curiosity, at some point.

This one is not affected as far as Iā€™m concerned. :slight_smile:

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