To make my scene feel infinite in every direction, can I scale down everything from 1 to 0.001? Or how small can I go until I begin to run into issues with physics? I have no gravity on anything.
Sorry not to provide an answer, but I had the exact
same question. If you find anything on this, could
you forward it to me at
So far the primary issue I ran into is that shooting rigidbody objects this small go through other rigidbody objects. For example, initially my ‘laser beam’ was 0.005 in size. At this size it went directly through my asteroids. The smallest I could get the laser beam to do what I wanted was at 0.05 (collide/ricochet). This has my ship to the scale of 1.0m. I haven’t gotten to the physics of flying yet though, so I can’t give feedback on that yet.
Good luck TomRead!