Space ship physics

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a space ship scene and i have some struggle trying to recreate the ship movement.
What I want is not just a simple moving with velocity, i’d like to represent the thrusters of a ship (for example 2 thruster on the back) and then “push” the ship to the forward.
To be real honest with you, i’ve managed to make it work using this code :

void Update () {
        float pitch = Input.GetAxis("Pitch") * Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed; // x
        float yaw = Input.GetAxis("Yaw") * Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed;     // y
        float roll = Input.GetAxis("Roll") * Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed;   // z           

        Quaternion AddRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        AddRotation.eulerAngles = new Vector3(pitch, yaw, roll);
        this._rigidbody.rotation *= AddRotation;

            // Méthode 1 - OK mais pas très réaliste + si thruster détruit pas de répercussion (à part perte vitesse)
            Vector3 sumForce =;
            for (int i = 0; i < this._motors.Count; i++) {
                if (this._motors[i].getMotorState() != STATE.OFFLINE) {
                    sumForce += this._motors[i].getForceVector();
            this._rigidbody.velocity = sumForce;
            Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, this.transform.position + sumForce, Color.yellow);

And the motor code being this :

                this._currentPower += Input.GetAxis("Accelerator");
                this._currentPower = this._currentPower < 0 ? 0 : (this._currentPower > 100 ? 100 : this._currentPower);
                UpdateMotorState(previousPower, this._currentPower);
                this._forceVector = this.transform.forward * getSpeed() * Time.deltaTime;

With getSpeed being just a calcul : this._currentPower / 100 * this._maxSpeed

It look like something like that :

But the problem is when i disable one thruster, it doesn’t do what i want it to do (make the ship “rotate” because the force is suppose to push the ship from the middle-left back of the ship). So i tried to use the force physic of Unity.
I changed the code of the rigidbody velocity to this :

            Vector3 sumForce =;
            gravityCenter =;
            int nbrActif = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < this._motors.Count; i++) {
                if (this._motors[i].getMotorState() != STATE.OFFLINE) {
                    sumForce += this._motors[i].getForceVector();
                    gravityCenter += this._motors[i].getTransform().position;
            gravityCenter /= nbrActif;
            Debug.DrawLine(this.transform.position, this.transform.position + sumForce, Color.yellow);
            this._rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(sumForce, gravityCenter);

And the motor mechanic to this :

if (this._motorState != STATE.OFFLINE) {
                float previousPower = this._currentPower;
                this._currentPower += Input.GetAxis("Accelerator");
                this._currentPower = this._currentPower < 0 ? 0 : (this._currentPower > 100 ? 100 : this._currentPower);
                UpdateMotorState(previousPower, this._currentPower);
                switch (this._motorState) {
                    case STATE.ACCELERATE:
                        this._forceVector = this.transform.forward * getSpeed() * Time.deltaTime;
                    case STATE.DECELERATE:
                        this._forceVector = -this.transform.forward * getSpeed() * Time.deltaTime;
                        this._forceVector =;
            else {
                this._forceVector =;

But the result is this :

What you see is the ship going forward pushed by the force, but the moment i disable a thruster, the ship start rotating (which is good !) but it suddenly stop and slide to the left.
Is it because the velocity is not correclty updated ?

Can you guys give me a tip ?

Thanks !

Why are you updating the rotation and velocity yourself with these lines here?

this._rigidbody.rotation *= AddRotation;
this._rigidbody.velocity = sumForce;

That defeats the whole point of using a rigid body system. No, what you should be doing is calling AddForceAtPosition and nothing else. The rigid body system will control the rotation and velocity for you, you never should be updating that yourself.