Are there any other lessons for the Space Shooter game tutorial? In the demo at lesson 1 there’s a video featuring the game with a moving background which the tutorial does not have a lesson for, also there’s additional moving particles / prefab VFX stars, and additional hazards that fire projectiles at you. There are no lessons or tutorials on these parameters after reaching the final lesson in the tutorial, and the lessons / scripts for these parameters would be greatly valued. Please let me know if these extra lessons exist or if and when they will be out in the future. Thank you.
I think what you’re looking for is here.
This is nice for a constantly scrolling background, but wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. You can adapt these lessons to scroll based on your player’s movements, but some additional resources might be useful.
Building a 2D Parallax Scrolling Background in Unity - YouTube (Another constant scroller)
Revisiting 2D Parallax Scrolling Backgrounds in Unity - YouTube (Scrolling based on movement)
The live training session archive is another good spot for more lessons.
As a side note, if you’re noticing jitters or stutters while scrolling in the editor, be sure it’s actually a problem before digging into it. Or else you might spend a couple of days trying to fix a problem that isn’t there. The editor is great for quick tests but isn’t a true test. Use the “Build and Run” option to test out the effect.
This is pretty much to echo what Eck has to say, but:
The scrolling background and enemy ships are “stretch goals” as it were for the student to try for once the main tutorial is finished. If you download the space shooter asset pack from the asset store, you will find the working background and enemies in the “done” folder, for your reference.
Eck has also pointed you to the live training archives, were we cover a number of different scrolling background techniques, including the one used in space shooter.
If you have any more questions, you can find the dedicated space shooter thread here: