Play it then tell me your ideas
Game play :
Online game :
Play it then tell me your ideas
Game play :
Online game :
I really like it.
Just a few suggestions:
Make the ship bank when moving left and right.
Make different kinds of cool space stuff to shot
Make different backgrounds
Reset the rocks after the player dies. I died and re-spawned directly in the path of a rock twice.
Upgrade weapons / rockets
thank you man
How big is the web player? I had to try 5 times to get it to load because it took so long…
Main menu:
The shaking title is … weird. I think you should eliminate that. Usually when I see a menu and there’s an element shaking, it means either that’s the currently selected option, or that’s the immediate ‘jump right in and play’ option. But since it’s just the title, it’s not immediately intuitive.
The title should be offset a lot more from the menu options. The relative sizes of the title and the menu options should be different. These visual cues are what people use to intuitively figure out what to pay attention to. As it is your title is a different color (and shaking), but it looks like a menu option otherwise.
The main menu pans slightly when you move your mouse. This doesn’t seem to serve any purpose. You may have done it intentionally, but it feels like it was a mistake. This can give a bad first impression. I think you should get rid of that.
Game play:
The basic game play isn’t bad. Move, dodge, shoot, repeat. Collision detection and hit detection work well.
Obviously adding more enemies besides just asteroids is a good idea.
The models are all very nice.
I like that there are 4 ships you can choose from. I only played one ship, so I don’t know how they differ, or if they differ at all. You should consider putting an indicator on the ship selection screen to let the player know if one is fast and weak, or slow and tough, etc.
The particles from all explosions curve toward the bottom of the screen. This suggests there is gravity coming from that direction. Basically, they look like fireworks. Since the game visuals suggest you are flying through space, I would suggest you ditch the curving particles and just let them go straight.
The explosions aren’t visually consistant with each other. The player blows up in a kinda hightech in-the-computer-Tron sort of way, whereas the enemies blow up in a shower of particles and debris. Either way is fine, but the ‘style’ should match. Otherwise it pulls the player out of the game ‘world’ and reminds him ‘hey you are paying a game’. I’m not saying they have to be the same explosions, but they should be the same kind. So they could both be sparks and debris, but maybe the player’s is bigger and the colors are different. Or they could both be the Tron-esque style, but the enemies have smaller explosions, or use a double ring, or something. I hope that makes sense.
I like the music. Be careful about adding too much too soon though. I found music was the biggest contributor to overall file size when I was working on my 2d shooter. So if you are prototyping and want people to try it, this may be something to think about. It will keep the file size down and enable people to load and play the game quickly. As I said, I had to reload the web player 5 times before it would finally finish downloading the file.
Overall, this is a great start! There’s lots to work on, but it has lots of potential too, and you have a solid foundation to build on! Nice job!