Spaceship Demo Project

This thread allow to continue the discussion about the blog post: Now Available: Spaceship Demo Project

Feel free to participate in this forum thread to discuss artistic and technical topics about the Spaceship Demo. This demo features advanced rendering using High Definition Render Pipeline and visual effects made with Visual Effect Graph.

This demo is compatible with 2019.2.0f1 and above.


Unity 2019.2.0

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fire following error after import

LocalPackages\net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients\Runtime\Managers\Implementations\VirtualCameraManager.cs(4,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name ‘Cinemachine’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Cinemachine ist installed over PackageManager

duplicate from

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Submitting my FPS:

1060 6GB


45-70. Average 55.

Definitely the scene or HDRP behind it needs further optimisation, considering there are no skinned-mesh characters, no large environments, no networking.


Sometimes, but not always the hologram table animation galaxy state animation starts playing but then it closes before you have the opportunity to click on anything. The “FTL target system” loading bar is up and blinking. But the galaxy faded out to nothing.

I have been able to find is state machine attached to hologram table (if i make the state public) is at Galaxy and the animation on galaxy/GalaxyFadeIn is a few frames beyond the end of the animation if the bug occurs, and at the blue line if the bug doesn’t occur.
I am unsure if that is normal or not, but if i rewind the animation back to the blue line the galaxy comes back.

This is what it looks like when the bug does not happen:

This is what it looks like when the bug happens:

If i manually stretch out the animation timelines it helps, but the bug is happening in some of the other animation timelines.

Follow on the issue tracker:

I think i found the bug in GameplayIngredients.Rig.DirectorControlRig->Update line 64

director.time = newTime

should be

if (m_PlayMode == PlayMode.Reverse) {
director.time = newTime < 0 ? 0 : newTime;
} else {
director.time = newTime > director.playableAsset.duration ? director.playableAsset.duration : newTime;

right after this line it evaluates the timeline.

this change prevents the timeline from being played outside of the playable region if for example the time step is greater than one fps. Not sure if this is a complete fix because it could still possibly miss event inside the timeline… which i will explain my thought here:

Does anyone know more about this PlayableDirector’s behavior while in DirectorUpdateMode.Manual mode? It seems to me that it has a certain chance to miss timeline events. If the frame rate is slower than the expected frame rate of the timeline, or if has a hickup during the timeline event, this might be the cause of the missed timeline event… It evaluates before the event and after the event, but misses the event completely…

Again i haven’t used this timeline much… is there a way to see a list of where on the timeline it was evaluated after the fact and if it missed any important parts of the animation?

what is wrong ?can not run on mac

Cannot use the fire VFX on another project (package exported from Spaceship demo)… it renders all black… using Unity 2019.2 and 2019.3.
Please help.



I finally got the Discover Mode
working by opening every visualeffect graph by hand.
Now they ger properly displayed.

In play mode and after build i have this remainig error.
Anyone an idea what to do?

So in Build

and Play Mode


the journey ends here after the door opens.

Probably this is the issue.
Does someone now what belongs to the red marked fields?


After some times i fixed all issues.
The problem was to recompile ever visualeffect graph who is on the way through the all states.
A kind of step by step tutorial making sure you visit the complete flow.)

Further problem i had have with asset import cycles. It was solved by doing the 2018.2.10f1 update.
Would be helpful to know what behaviour is the reason for these?

I am now in 2018.2.10f1 and everything is fine.

Really great example. In special in combination with the peeweek gameplay ingredients and the console.
Really helpful example. Thanks

I saw someone else posted this error comment on the blog, but never saw resolution for it.
In addition to the screenshot below, showing what happens in play mode (looks like very little is being rendered), I’m also seeing the error that other person saw:
“NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
MaterialEmissionOverride.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Lighting/MaterialEmissionOverride.cs:56)”

I downloaded zip of project from github and imported project into Unity 2019.2.11f1.
Any advice?

Zip file
Same for 2019.2.0 and 2019.2.11 :slight_smile: Anyone solve it? Recompile all not working.

Well re-downloaded project via git and it have 4 gb of data.
Project from zip contain just 600 mb, so you cannot download zip - it is not working.

Use clone and problem will not occure.

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That fixed my issue.

i have a question related to replaceing a scene.
In case i want to replace the Spaceship scene.

I did an replacement in

  1. SceneList

  1. SpaceShipLevel

and in Build Settings.

Is there any other place i must do a change?
I have some issues after rebakeing the SpaceShip Level.

Thanks for sharing good information

Good Information Sir!

Got it working.
These are the only needed adjustments.
For bakery rebake the Spaceship.scene must be active. All other scenes loaded.
The Reflection and Lightprobes are in Spaceship_Li.scene.

This is a very nice framework. Learned a lot.
The only weak point of this scenario is the Lightmapping with the Progressive.

The scene looks much nicer with an Bakery Shadowmask rebake. For now Directional Mode Dominant Direction
with Occlusion Probes and Texel 60 outputs 8x 4K Lightmaps in 20min.

Next is an Shadowmask Directional Mode SH rebake.
Here is an HDRP LIT Shadergraph Bakery SH implementation i am working on. page-76#post-5289132
Next step is to convert all Spaceship HDRP Lit Materials to the HDRP LIT Shadergraph Bakery SH ones.

Out of curiousity I tried the spaceship in VR. It runs surprisingly well (GTX 1080).

If someone could be bothered to fix the player movement it could be an amazing Unity VR demo.

Which Unity version did you use to ran it in VR? 2019.2.XX or 2019.3.XX, other?

Not near that machine right now but it would have been the same Unity version specified in projectversion.txt