Hey, so I’m trying to add a score multiplier as a challenge to myself, but since I just started learning Unity & C# I am completely unsure what this error means, nor how to fix it, thanks in advance!
(P.S if there’s a better way to get a score multiplier system rather than doing it the way I did it, that’d also be nice)
Warning: it may not do precisely what you have written out in the bunch of if-elseif-else tree, but close, test it and play around with it, you can modify it if you want.
Edit: oh and if you need it, throw in a scoreMultiplier = scoremultiplier > 1 ? 1 : scoreMultiplier; line.
Keep in mind that I have written these from the top of my head, so it may not work from out of the box, but the essence is the same.
Yeah, if you can come-up with a mathematical formula to get the scoreMultiplier from timeSinceLevelLoaded. It looks like scoreMultiplier is something pretty close to (timeSinceLevelLoaded/60) and then rounded.