Spawn a Shield Faceing Forward?

Hi everyone. I have a robot that uses a shield to block fireballs. But when i press the space button, it faces the same way everytime, so i end up with a sideways shield. I have attached the code as well. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, -Alias

function Update ()
        var bullit = Instantiate(bullitPrefab, transform.Find("Spawnpoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //transform.position 

        bullit.tag = "wormprojectile"; 

You could use something like this:

var spawnPoint = transform.Find("Spawnpoint");
var bullit = Instantiate(bullitPrefab, spawnPoint.position + spawnPoint.forward * distanceFromSpawn, spawnPoint.rotation);

distanceFromSpawn is a float which is how far away you want it, if you want it at the spawnpoint's positionm just remove the spawnPoint.forward * distanceFromSpawn

Never Mind, I figured it out, i just needed to change "quaternion.identity" to "transform.rotation". Thanks anyway!