spawn objetcs at destroy location.

Hello, im making space shooter game and I need help with spawning “minerals”. When I destroy asteroid(kill) there is a chance that it will spawn mineral. This works BUT it spawns at 0,0,0 (asteroid prefab coordinates) how can I make them spawn at spawned(clone) asteroid?

 public void OnEnemyJustDied()
            if (Random.Range(0f, 1f) <= m_dropChance)
                Instantiate(mineralPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);
  const float m_dropChance = 1f / 10f; 

here is my asteroid spawner.

void asteroidSpawning()
        Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(Random.Range(-spawnX, spawnX), 0, spawnZ);
        int asteroidIndex = Random.Range(0, asteroidPrefabs.Length);
        Instantiate(asteroidPrefabs[asteroidIndex], spawnPos, asteroidPrefabs[asteroidIndex].transform.rotation);

thanks for help and sorry for my bad english.

change transform.position in line 6 of your first script to a reference to the clone transform. You could pass the enemy that died as a method parameter and use that parameters transform there.