Spawn Script Assistance?

I have recently asked for help on how to have a script where I have 10 to 12 spawn points as empty gameobjects around the map and adding tags to 8 of my objects as “SpawnPoint” and the script would place all 8 in any of those 10 to 12 spawn points. Link is here.

I’m still very new to scripting and I have a javascript that I experimented on and I would like some help on if I did this right and how to make a loop with the answer that I got

"Make a loop that will run 10 times.

In the loop use

var r = Random.Range(0,9)" <— (This is for 10 times right now, not 12)

My terrible script:

#pragma strict

var prefab : GameObject;
var spawn1 : Transform;
var spawn2 : Transform;
var spawn3 : Transform;
var spawn4 : Transform;
var spawn5 : Transform;
var spawn6 : Transform;
var spawn7 : Transform;
var spawn8 : Transform;
var spawn9 : Transform;
var spawn10 : Transform;
var spawn11 : Transform;
var spawn12 : Transform;

var position = listofspwanpointas[r].transform.position;

function Start()
    var objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("SpawnPoint");
    for (var obj in objs)

function CreateObject()

I’m also getting this error

“Assets/SpawnScript.js(24,5): BCE0043: Unexpected token: }.”

If I adjust it I get 4 new errors:

“Assets/SpawnScript.js(24,5): BCE0043: Unexpected token: }.”

“Assets/SpawnScript.js(26,10): BCE0044: expecting (, found ‘CreateObject’.”

“Assets/SpawnScript.js(26,24): UCE0001: ‘;’ expected. Insert a semicolon at the end.”

“Assets/SpawnScript.js(28,74): BCE0044: expecting :, found ‘;’.”

Help on revising my script to be how it should be from my recently asked question would be tremendously appreciated! This is the last thing I need to do to make my game complete to publish on Google Play, to give my game replay value. :slight_smile:

For one, i suggest approaching this a different way. But to fix one of your errors, your missing a { in your for loop

var objs = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(“SpawnPoint”);
for (var obj in objs)