Spawn spots?

I am currently working on a new Parkour Simulator MMO, but the spawns are broken. This is the error I am recieving.

Assets/Prefabs/scripts/NetworkManager.cs(42,41): error CS0103: The name `spawnSpots' does not exist in the current context

This is appearing as 3 errors, still the same one but with different lines.
Here is the code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {

	public Camera standbyCamera;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		spawnSpots = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<SpawnSpot> ();
		Connect ();

	void Connect() {

	void OnGUI () {
		GUILayout.Label(PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString ());

	void OnJoinedLobby() {
		Debug.Log ("Joined");
		PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom ();

	void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed() {
		Debug.Log ("Failed");
		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom( null );

	void OnJoinedRoom() {
		Debug.Log ("Joined");
		SpawnMyPlayer ();

	void SpawnMyPlayer() {
		if (spawnSpots == null) {
		Debug.LogError ("ERROR ERROR");
		SpawnSpot mySpawnSpot = spawnSpots [Random.Range (0, spawnSpots.Length)];
		PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("PlayerController", mySpawnSpot.transform.position, mySpawnSpot.transform.rotation, 0);
		standbyCamera.enabled = false;

Please help?

You don’t declare ‘spawnSpots’. At the top of the file you need:

 private SpawnSpot[] spawnSpots;