Spawn vfx graph particles by clusters

Hi! I’m trying to create VFX graph to display set of small flipbook based cloud fragments. But for now I can’t find, is it possible to spawn it with some noise texture or use some another technique to increase possibility, that one particle will be spawned near the another during position setting?
When I changed spawn from “set position: shape (arc sphere)” to the “set position from map” looks like all particles begin spawn in the zero point.
Maybe someone is already solved similar task?


With Set Position from Map, you are reading the positions from the map you provide.

With your current configuration, each particle will choose a random texel, and use the color value as the position. In that noise texture, each component has a value between 0 and 1, so all the particles will be spawned in that range. You can use the Value Bias and the Value Scale to adjust the output range.

However, I’m not sure if this is what you are expecting. As I said, the texture contains the positions, not the probability. It should be possible to build a texture that contains positions distributed following a certain distribution, but that is not built in VFX Graph.

Does it explain the behavior that you are seeing?

After research, I was understood, that I need GPU events to draw multiple groups of particles. First system is spawning spawn points for clouds, second system is spawning clouds themselves. Maybe this will be useful for someone

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