Spawning chest after mob dies

public void Dead()

When my mob dies i want to spawn my “Chest prefab” on its position.
Could You help me to do this ?

Use Instantiate to spawn the chest at the position you want:

var ChestPrefab : Transform;

Instantiate(ChestPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);

Make sure to add this line before destroying the script otherwise it might not work…
And make sure to assign the ChestPrefab variable in the inspector window.
P.s: This is in javascript but should be easy to change :wink:

You can write like this:

public void Dead() { Instantiate(chestprefab,transform.position,Quaternion.identity); Destroy(gameObject); DisplayHealth(); }

what i am trying to say is this: instantiate chest prefab right before you destroy gameobject

Is it in c#? Heres a very short script in javascript :

var chestPrefab : GameObject; //drag the prefab into this variable in the inspector window of the editor

function Dead(){

    Instantiate(chestPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);  
    Destroy(gameObject);   //die/destroy yourself after doing all the things that are supposed to be done, you cant die first and then call the DisplayHealth function


I Hope this helps!

Its working :}
Thank u so much guys .

Its working ;]
Thank You so much guys .