Spawning coins randomly in a 3d infinite runner game

I have a 3d infinite runner car racing type game in which the player is stationary and the background moves. In my game I want to spawn coins randomly over time and the coins has to be spawned very much ahead of the player, and the z axis of the coins get reduced keeping y axis constant and x axis values in a random range of -2 and 2. The coins are spawning correctly but they are spawned in an irregular manner. I created four coin game objects in my scene, I want to spawn the 4 coins in a straight line because then the player can easily collect the coins since they are coming in a straight line to the player. The players motion is only in the x axis from -2 to 2. Now my problem is that the coins are spawned irregularly because of that the coins cannot be collected easily by the player. THis is my code:

function Update()

function MoveCoin()
    //CoinsOnRoad is an array containing the current coins which are on the road
    //CoinPool is the array of coins
    for(var i:int =0;i<CoinsOnRoad.length;i++)
	var gcoin:GameObject = CoinsOnRoad *as GameObject;*

_ gcoin.transform.position.z-=3speedTime.deltaTime;_

  • if(gcoin.transform.position.z>=-10)*

  • {*
    //Do nothing if the coin is on the visible area of the road. If it becomes invisible
    //remove the coins from CoinsOnRoad Array and insert the coin back to the CoinPool Array

  • }*

  • else*

  • {*

  •  CoinsOnRoad.remove(gcoin);*
  • }*


function ReleaseCoin()

  • {*

  • }*

  • else*

  • {*

  •  var coin:GameObject=CoinPool.shift() as GameObject;*

CoinsOnRoad.push(Instantiate(coin,new Vector3(Random.Range(-2.0,2.0),0.3,30+Random.Range(1,10)),Quaternion .identity));

  • }*

The coins are spawning correctly but in an irregular order. Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance…Since I’m new to unity, I didn’t knew whether even my game logic is correct or not. Can some one correct me with the code if I’m wrong some where in my code.

var randomX;
var coinCount = 0;
var coinNum = 0;
var coinLineMin, coinLineMax; // setup max and min coins in one line
var coinInterval; // distance between coins in line

function ReleaseCoin()
  if(coinNum == coinCount) {
     randomX = Random.Range(-2.0,2.0);
     coinCount = Random.Range(coinLineMin, coinLineMax);
     coinNum = 0;
  coinNum ++;
  var coin:GameObject=CoinPool.shift() as GameObject;
  CoinsOnRoad.push(Instantiate(coin,new Vector3(randomX,0.3,30+coinNum*coinInterval),Quaternion .identity));

somethink like this.

I didnt test a code and I usually use C#, so stupid mistakes are possible :slight_smile:

but i hope idea is clear :slight_smile: