What I have:
- Predefined (empty game object) spawn points laid out across the top of the playable area
- Prefab Enemies to be spawned with a y velocity to go downwards upon spawning
What I want to do:
- When the player reaches a score e.g. 10 points, start spawning the new type of enemies.
The issue:
Enemies aren’t spawning as I expected and I see the print statement in the Update function execute(print (“spawning Top Enemies Now!”) but I don’t see the console logging “hello higher world” so my SpawnTop function isn’t working out for me.
Anything obviously wrong?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TopEnemySpawnScript : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject enemy; // The enemy prefab to be spawned.
public Transform[] spawnPoints; // An array of the spawn points this enemy can spawn from.
private ScoreTrackScript ScoreTrackScript;
private bool topSpawnThreshold = false;
void Start ()
StartCoroutine("SpawnRoutine"); //Starting a coroutine to be able to wait for specified time
ScoreTrackScript = GameObject.Find ("ScoreTracker").GetComponent<ScoreTrackScript>();
void Update()
if (ScoreTrackScript.getScore () == 2) {
topSpawnThreshold = true;
print ("spawning Top Enemies Now!");
IEnumerator SpawnRoutine()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
while (topSpawnThreshold) {
SpawnTop ();
void SpawnTop() //Spawns Top Enemies from above the screen after player meets a score threshold
int spawnPointIndex = Random.Range (0, spawnPoints.Length);
Instantiate (enemy, spawnPoints [spawnPointIndex].position, spawnPoints [spawnPointIndex].rotation);
print ("hello higher world");