Hello everyone,
maybe someone can help with this problem. I’m completely new to programming and all code I have is basically copy paste from somewhere on the internet.
I want to spawn all the objects I have dragged and dropped into the Inspector (left side of the picture) I created with the code (right side of the picture)
public GameObject[] ball;
I want to be able to use this script on different "master"objects and depending on the "master"objects having a different amount of new "child"objects that spawn at the location of predefined empty gameobjects and spawn when the "master"object gets triggered.
EDIT: Noone?
Nobody answers your post because its not cleac what are you lloking for…
You ask about instantiate? Then just use instantiate function. (1000 tutorials/manuals/posts about this)
Are you asking for creating new inspector tools?
Are you asking for how to instantiate only child parts of a prefab?
What "use this script on different “master"objects” means?
Unity answers is not a place to ask for codes because you copy/paste some simple stuff and dont know what to do.
If pretend to develp games, first, learnt he absic of scripting (1000 tutorials/manuals/posts about this)
Once you know the basics, come to Unity Answers again and ask only for 1 thing at every post, not multiple questions. Explain what you did, what you tried, what you expect, what you get, post the code, show scene and inspector if relevant…
Good luck.
Post closed.