I am trying to Spawn my zombies starting off slow then maybe every 2 minutes it spawn more then before. I also want this script to be able to be applied to more then one thing and work so i can have them spawning from several different points on the map. I have this script attatched to a null object :
var side : int;
var Enemy : GameObject;
var timeToDecrease : float; // Time the spawner waits to spawn the next enemy
var decreaseCounter : int; // After 4 enemies spawn, decrease time to wait
var decreaseBool : boolean = true; // Start/Stop first spawn rate decrease
var decreaseBool2 : boolean = true; // Start/Stop second spawn rate decrease
function Start(){
timeToDecrease = 3;
function Spawn(){
// Spawn the enemy, yeild for seconds, and increase counter
Instantiate(Enemy,transform.position, transform.rotation);
yield WaitForSeconds(timeToDecrease);
// When 4 enemies have spawned increase the spawn rate by .5 seconds
if(decreaseCounter == 4 && decreaseBool == true){
timeToDecrease -= .5;
decreaseCounter = 0;
// If the enemy is spawning every .5 seconds the stop the spawn rate decrease
if(timeToDecrease <= .5){
decreaseBool = false;
// Once spawn rate is at .5 seconds decrease by .1 second until it reachs .1 second for each spawn
if(decreaseCounter == 4 && decreaseBool == false && decreaseBool2 == true){
timeToDecrease -= .1;
decreaseCounter = 0;
// If the enemy is spawning every .1 seconds then stop decreasing spawn rate
if(timeToDecrease <= .1){
decreaseBool2 = false;
I’m really not sure how it works i cant get it to spawn any zombies at the moment any help would be appreciated please help!
You need to call the Spawn function. Keep in mind that if you call it twice, it will Spawn 2 enemies at the same time, wait the same time etc. So, call it at Start.
Ive actually found another script that seems to work expect it wont run because it says SendMessage setName has no receiver! i dont know how to fix this maybe you can help?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
// Color of the gizmo
public Color gizmoColor = Color.red;
// All the Enums
// Spawn types
public enum SpawnTypes
// The different Enemy levels
public enum EnemyLevels
// End of the Enums
// Enemy level to be spawnedEnemy
public EnemyLevels enemyLevel = EnemyLevels.Easy;
// Enemy Prefabs
public GameObject EasyEnemy;
public GameObject MediumEnemy;
public GameObject HardEnemy;
public GameObject BossEnemy;
private Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject> Enemies = new Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject>(4);
// End of Enemy Prefabs
// Enemies and how many have been created and how many are to be created
public int totalEnemy = 10;
private int numEnemy = 0;
private int spawnedEnemy = 0;
// End of Enemy Settings
// The ID of the spawner
private int SpawnID;
// Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
private bool waveSpawn = false;
public bool Spawn = true;
public SpawnTypes spawnType = SpawnTypes.Normal;
// timed wave controls
public float waveTimer = 30.0f;
private float timeTillWave = 0.0f;
//Wave controls
public int totalWaves = 5;
private int numWaves = 0;
// End of Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
void Start()
// sets a random number for the id of the spawner
SpawnID = Random.Range(1, 500);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Easy, EasyEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Boss, BossEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Medium, MediumEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Hard, HardEnemy);
// Draws a cube to show where the spawn point is... Useful if you don't have a object that show the spawn point
void OnDrawGizmos()
// Sets the color to red
Gizmos.color = gizmoColor;
//draws a small cube at the location of the gam object that the script is attached to
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.position, new Vector3 (0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));
void Update ()
// Spawns enemies everytime one dies
if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Normal)
// checks to see if the number of spawned enemies is less than the max num of enemies
if(numEnemy < totalEnemy)
// spawns an enemy
// Spawns enemies only once
else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Once)
// checks to see if the overall spawned num of enemies is more or equal to the total to be spawned
if(spawnedEnemy >= totalEnemy)
//sets the spawner to false
Spawn = false;
// spawns an enemy
//spawns enemies in waves, so once all are dead, spawns more
else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Wave)
if(numWaves < totalWaves + 1)
if (waveSpawn)
//spawns an enemy
if (numEnemy == 0)
// enables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = true;
//increase the number of waves
if(numEnemy == totalEnemy)
// disables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = false;
timeTillWave += Time.deltaTime;
if (waveSpawn)
//spawns an enemy
// checks if the time is equal to the time required for a new wave
if (timeTillWave >= waveTimer)
// enables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = true;
// sets the time back to zero
timeTillWave = 0.0f;
// increases the number of waves
// A hack to get it to spawn the same number of enemies regardless of how many have been killed
numEnemy = 0;
if(numEnemy >= totalEnemy)
// diables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = false;
Spawn = false;
// spawns an enemy based on the enemy level that you selected
private void spawnEnemy()
GameObject Enemy = (GameObject) Instantiate(Enemies[enemyLevel], gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Enemy.SendMessage("setName", SpawnID);
// Increase the total number of enemies spawned and the number of spawned enemies
// Call this function from the enemy when it "dies" to remove an enemy count
public void killEnemy(int sID)
// if the enemy's spawnId is equal to this spawnersID then remove an enemy count
if (SpawnID == sID)
//enable the spawner based on spawnerID
public void enableSpawner(int sID)
if (SpawnID == sID)
Spawn = true;
//disable the spawner based on spawnerID
public void disableSpawner(int sID)
if(SpawnID == sID)
Spawn = false;
// returns the Time Till the Next Wave, for a interface, ect.
public float TimeTillWave
return timeTillWave;
// Enable the spawner, useful for trigger events because you don't know the spawner's ID.
public void enableTrigger()
Spawn = true;
// Spawns enemies in waves but based on time.
else if(spawnType == SpawnTypes.TimedWave)
// checks if the number of waves is bigger than the total waves
if(numWaves <= totalWaves)
// Increases the timer to allow the timed waves to work
ok this is what i did I put SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver in the code. and its still not working?!?!?!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
// Color of the gizmo
public Color gizmoColor = Color.red;
// All the Enums
// Spawn types
public enum SpawnTypes
// The different Enemy levels
public enum EnemyLevels
// End of the Enums
// Enemy level to be spawnedEnemy
public EnemyLevels enemyLevel = EnemyLevels.Easy;
// Enemy Prefabs
public GameObject EasyEnemy;
public GameObject MediumEnemy;
public GameObject HardEnemy;
public GameObject BossEnemy;
private Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject> Enemies = new Dictionary<EnemyLevels, GameObject>(4);
// End of Enemy Prefabs
// Enemies and how many have been created and how many are to be created
public int totalEnemy = 10;
private int numEnemy = 0;
private int spawnedEnemy = 0;
// End of Enemy Settings
// The ID of the spawner
private int SpawnID;
// Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
private bool waveSpawn = false;
public bool Spawn = true;
public SpawnTypes spawnType = SpawnTypes.Normal;
// timed wave controls
public float waveTimer = 30.0f;
private float timeTillWave = 0.0f;
//Wave controls
public int totalWaves = 5;
private int numWaves = 0;
// End of Different Spawn states and ways of doing them
void Start()
// sets a random number for the id of the spawner
SpawnID = Random.Range(1, 500);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Easy, EasyEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Boss, BossEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Medium, MediumEnemy);
Enemies.Add(EnemyLevels.Hard, HardEnemy);
// Draws a cube to show where the spawn point is... Useful if you don't have a object that show the spawn point
void OnDrawGizmos()
// Sets the color to red
Gizmos.color = gizmoColor;
//draws a small cube at the location of the gam object that the script is attached to
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.position, new Vector3 (0.5f,0.5f,0.5f));
void Update ()
// Spawns enemies everytime one dies
if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Normal)
// checks to see if the number of spawned enemies is less than the max num of enemies
if(numEnemy < totalEnemy)
// spawns an enemy
// Spawns enemies only once
else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Once)
// checks to see if the overall spawned num of enemies is more or equal to the total to be spawned
if(spawnedEnemy >= totalEnemy)
//sets the spawner to false
Spawn = false;
// spawns an enemy
//spawns enemies in waves, so once all are dead, spawns more
else if (spawnType == SpawnTypes.Wave)
if(numWaves < totalWaves + 1)
if (waveSpawn)
//spawns an enemy
if (numEnemy == 0)
// enables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = true;
//increase the number of waves
if(numEnemy == totalEnemy)
// disables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = false;
// Spawns enemies in waves but based on time.
else if(spawnType == SpawnTypes.TimedWave)
// checks if the number of waves is bigger than the total waves
if(numWaves <= totalWaves)
// Increases the timer to allow the timed waves to work
timeTillWave += Time.deltaTime;
if (waveSpawn)
//spawns an enemy
// checks if the time is equal to the time required for a new wave
if (timeTillWave >= waveTimer)
// enables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = true;
// sets the time back to zero
timeTillWave = 0.0f;
// increases the number of waves
// A hack to get it to spawn the same number of enemies regardless of how many have been killed
numEnemy = 0;
if(numEnemy >= totalEnemy)
// diables the wave spawner
waveSpawn = false;
Spawn = false;
// spawns an enemy based on the enemy level that you selected
private void spawnEnemy()
GameObject Enemy = (GameObject) Instantiate(Enemies[enemyLevel], gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Enemy.SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver ("setName", SpawnID);
// Increase the total number of enemies spawned and the number of spawned enemies
// Call this function from the enemy when it "dies" to remove an enemy count
public void killEnemy(int sID)
// if the enemy's spawnId is equal to this spawnersID then remove an enemy count
if (SpawnID == sID)
//enable the spawner based on spawnerID
public void enableSpawner(int sID)
if (SpawnID == sID)
Spawn = true;
//disable the spawner based on spawnerID
public void disableSpawner(int sID)
if(SpawnID == sID)
Spawn = false;
// returns the Time Till the Next Wave, for a interface, ect.
public float TimeTillWave
return timeTillWave;
// Enable the spawner, useful for trigger events because you don't know the spawner's ID.
public void enableTrigger()
Spawn = true;