Spawning Random Enemies with Polymorphism

Hi everyone. I am creating a game and I am pretty much done. This game is for a class though and I just realized that I need to add some Polymorphism to this game. I have already created a way to make levels random, so I could probably do it in a similar way, but I need to use Polymorphism. I know how to do this in JAVA, but not in C#/Unity. Do I need to create a separate class for each enemy? Anyone familiar with this? if so, could you push me in the right direction?

//Should I do something like this?

void Start () {
        //Should I do this with every enemy
        Enemy myEnemy = new devil();
        Devil myDevil = (Devil)myEnemy;

        //myDevil is just a placeholder, I would make a randomizer variable and stick it in there.
        Instantiate (myDevil, EnemySpawner.transform.position, EnemySpawner.transform.rotation);

Thank you in advance.
Rachel Goldstein

Basic polymorphism is pretty easy. Just make your enemies derive from a base class called “Enemy”.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour {

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Devil : Enemy {


You will also want to look into abstract and override. Here’s a link from MSDN: override modifier - C# reference | Microsoft Learn


Thank you so much Cody!!! I will look into abstract and override. I might post back again if I don’t understand it. Thank you!!!


I’m just not getting it. Could you expand a little bit with an example…I’m sorry!

I can certainly do a bit more for you after I finish up my dinner. It’s quarter past five here on the west coast and I’m starving. If nobody beats me to it I should have a little something for you in an hour :slight_smile:

Hopefully this will clear things up a bit more for you:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour {

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

    public virtual void Attack() {
        //Let's say every enemy can do a melee attack; so in here we would code up our melee attack.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Devil : Enemy {
    public override void Attack() {
        //Let's say that devils have a ranged fire attack; we use this override void to call that attack instead of the attack method from the base class.
        //This method overrides the base melee attack and replaces it with a fireball or something
        //This is basic polymorphism. Classes that inherit from one another, but can have different results when calling the same method
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You’ve already introduced inheritance from MonoBehaviour.

You’ve got polymorphism with Component and MonoBehaviour. How about a simple script to disable every component on a given GameObject?


Oh wow! Thank you so much…this helps so much! Thank you soooo much! I really appreciate your help!

This is a very good idea. I used this for part of my game where parts of the players body had to show up and disappear. I didn’t think about using that here until now. Thank you!!

Very true. I was kind of throwing it down quick and dirty haha.