Spawning sprite in for loop

Hey guys I’ve just started using unity, and I have a question. I am using 2d.

I am trying to do this:

Using for loop spawn sprite(which is already added to the assets in Unity). I want to fill area with sprites.
I know how to implement for loop in C#, but how do I spawn an existing sprite(not from path)?

Thanks in advice.

You have to use GameObject.Instantiate to create a copy of a game object.

The best way is as follows:

  1. Drag the sprite onto the scene (make sure you are in 2D mode).

  2. A new gameobject will be created in the hierarchy window with the name of that sprite

  3. Create a new script and paste this in the code:

  4. Assign this script to any gameobject (not the sprite as it will become recursive)

  5. Drag the sprite gameobject to the spriteToDuplicate variable of the script in the inspector window

  6. Play and your sprite will be duplicated - and placed at x+=1 distance

    public GameObject spriteToDuplicate;
    void Start () {

            		Vector3 currentPosition = spriteToDuplicate.transform.position;
            		for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
            			GameObject tmpObj = GameObject.Instantiate(spriteToDuplicate,currentPosition,Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            			currentPosition += new Vector3(1f,0f,0f);