Hello UA Community.
I was wondering if anyone could link to a helpful location in terms of
Spawning Characters etc. using c#.
Mainly, I am looking to spawn a character that is a prefab, onto a plane and then have the player take control of it from there as opposed to having the character already on the plane when the game is started. This way, a future menu system could be implemented and this “code” can just be called from there… any help is appreciated please don’t hur dur me I searched for this and didn’t find anything…
There’s no problem: just save the character as a prefab and instantiate it when you want - you don’t need to have a player to start the game. The only problem may be the camera: in a first person game, the camera is a player’s child, thus it will exist only when the player is instantiated - but this is easy to solve: you may have an initial camera showing the scene, and switch to the player’s camera when it’s created - something like this (initial camera’s script):
Transform playerPrefab; // drag the player prefab here
Transform spawnPos; // drag here an empty object that defines the spawning position and rotation
void OnGUI(){
if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,10,250,50),"Start")){
Transform player = Instantiate(playerPrefab, spawnPos.position, spawnPos.rotation) as Transform;
camera.enabled = false; // disable this camera, thus only the player's one will be active