var health = 10;
var points = 2;
function OnTriggerEnter (collision : Collider)
if (collision.gameObject.FindWithTag ("Player"))
var options = SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver;
collision.SendMessage("addHealth", health, options);
collision.SendMessage("addPoints", points, options);
DestroyObject (gameObject);
else if(collision)
Destroy (GetComponent(Rigidbody));
this script is destroying my healthBox on impact with anything,
how do i change this so that it is only affected when the player enters trigger?
it should be doing this anyway...
Actually, you are looking for any object that has the tag player. What you want to do is compare tags, not find one with that tag.
See my revised code:
var health = 10;
var points = 2;
function OnTriggerEnter (collision : Collider)
if (collision.CompareTag ("Player")) // Need to call CompareTag!
var options = SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver;
collision.SendMessage("addHealth", health, options);
collision.SendMessage("addPoints", points, options);
DestroyObject (gameObject);
else if(collision)
Destroy (GetComponent(Rigidbody));
By the way, it appears as if there is a redudant test. if (collision) will always return true. I don't know why you want to remove the rigidbody upon impact though. Is this some sort of sticky object?
var health = 10;
var points = 2;
function OnTriggerEnter (collision : Collider)
if (collision.CompareTag ("Player"))
var options = SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver;
collision.SendMessage("addHealth", health, options);
collision.SendMessage("addPoints", points, options);
DestroyObject (gameObject);
// No need to have else if, the if always would return true anyway
// Are you really sure you want to remove the rigidbody?
// Just notifying you since it looks out of place.
// By the way, you don't need to call GetComponent with rigidbody.
Destroy (rigidbody);