Specular Texture with Smoothness Issue

Hi all,

Hoping somebody can help with a problem I’m having with specularity/smoothness in my materials.

My problem is that I don’t seem to have control over the smoothness of my material when using a specular map. As i understand it - smoothness is controlled using the alpha channel of the specular map, however whatever I do in my alpha channel seems to have no affect on the smoothness of my material. Even using a black spec map w/ black alpha channel, there is a small fresnel looking effect on my assets (see below) - I would assume that this would have created the same look as the top image. I even tried a black spec map /w white alpha, and still no change (bottom image).

Everything works fine without a spec map plugged in - I can reduce the smoothness/specularity completely - but obviously I need be able to reach the same smoothness values with a specular map included.

I’m using 8 bit PNG’s - although I’ve tried 16 bit PNG’s and Targas - but no luck…

I’m hoping I’m missing something obvious as it is quite frustrating! Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem?

Yep, that’s the issue. Both of those images have full 1 for the alpha component. I checked this by opening them in Gimp (sort of an open-source equivalent to PS), and decomposing the RGBA layers. The color channels are black, but the alpha is full on both images. You need to look into how you are exporting them.