specular vs glow/bloom effect

Hello there, i am having problems getting the glow/bloom image effect working right. (using pro)

I have a diffuse-, specular-, glow- and normal-map for my object and using the self-illum bumped specular shader. Everythings working fine, but when i enable the glow- or bloom-image-effect, the whole object is glowing not only the parts deffined in the glow map (the one connected to the illumination channel. The Problem is the specular map is acting as glowmap, which can be also seen in the editor-view in “alpha mode” (i see my specmap there, not my glowmap). I found out that the glow map has to be stored into the the alpha of the diffuse texture to work correctly, but then i loose my speculars. Is there a workaround for this problem, maybe like modifying the shader or something like that? Or is it simply not possible to have specular working together with glow, because they share the same buffer? would be glad for some advices, im totally stuck and confused with this.

Edited the shader and fixed this by writing the illumination map into the alpha-output instead of the specular map, just for the record…