Speed Different In Exe Than Game Window

Title Says The Problem, I’m Not Sure Where To Put Time.deltaTime either

void Start()
    forceZ = 15;

void Update()
    // Forward Movement
    if (fallen == false) {
        cameraFollow.position = ballTran.position;
    ballRg.AddForce(forceX, forceY, forceZ);
    // Forward Movement End

    // Sideways Movement
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("a")){
        forceX = -10;
    else if (Input.GetKeyUp("a") && !Input.GetKey("a") && !Input.GetKey("d")) {
        forceX = 0;
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("d")) {
        forceX = 10;
    else if (Input.GetKeyUp("d") && !Input.GetKey("d") && !Input.GetKey("a")) {
        forceX = 0;
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("a") && Input.GetKeyDown("d")) {
        forceX = 0;
    // Sideways Movement End

    // Deaths

    // Falling Death
    if (ballTran.position.y <= -35) {
        fallen = true;


The problem lies in the fps difference form different devices or systems (unity, build). In this case its faster, becaus it runs standalone. First, always do movment in FixedUpdate, it is much better for physics and stuff. And to fix the problem, just multiply the force by Time.DeltaTime like you already wrote.