I have a parallax background and I want to speed up the different layers (they are Quads) as long as the user does a left/right swiping motion with his finger.
I use 2 scripts for this and right now the textures jerk around every time I try to update their scrolling speed.
public static GameObject BackgroundQuad;
private float newSpeed;
void Start () {
BackgroundQuad = GameObject.FindWithTag ("BackgroundQuad");
void Update () {
newSpeed = Mathf.Lerp (0f, PlayerControls.speedBackgroundQuad, 3f);
BackgroundQuad.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>().material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2 ((Time.time * newSpeed) % 1, 0f);
/// I do the standard checks for Touch.Input detection and then just increase my public static float which gets used in BackgroundScrolling.cs' Update function
speedBackgroundQuad += 0.0001f;
As long as I move my finger (to constantly speed up), the textures jerk wildly.
When I lift my finger they continue to run smoothly on the new speed.
This is the first time I tried to do something like this and I’m confused
Is there any way to save my code, or do I have to use a completely different approach to parallax backgrounds?