integrating SpeedTree SDK 8.5.1R4 Windows in our game, I need to stop (and restart) wind induced movements of the SpeedTree objects when the game is paused (and resumed).
I am aware that I can use CForestRender::WindSetStrength to control the wind strength. Setting it to 0 will eventually stop all movement, but only gradually. Same on setting it back to original value will gradually restore the previous level.
But I need it to stop/restart immediately.
Any hints appreciated.
Hi @Il2-Sturmovik-Cliffs-Of-Dover,
Thank you for your question!
The SpeedTree RSDK wind system is designed to avoid immediate responses to changes in wind strength or direction. Unfortunately, there isn’t a setting in the RSDK to make the trees stop and restart wind-induced movement instantly, similar to the “Response time->Strength” setting in the SpeedTree Modeler.
However, perhaps what you can do is not tick the Wind Manager object and stop time from advancing in the game everywhere during the pause. If time is stopped globally in your game, the wind (and the tree movements) will also stop. When time resumes, the wind system will pick up where it left off.
I hope this approach works for your needs!
Hi mira-pichai