SpeedTree Model (LOD?) Issues

Hey there,

I’m having particular trouble with tree’s that are a particular distance away from the player character,
Its a forest scene where the player wanders through out into an open field with more tree’s in the background. This isn’t an issue mostly but for some reason anything below LOD1 they get incredibly dark like, pitch black basically and they don’t look good at all.

I’ve tried turning of shadow casting and receiving and have had no luck. Just wandering if anyone has had this issue before and if so what did you do?


Ah oops, I realize why now, I brought down the base color for the materials from white to grey, but I didn’t take into account that it would darken the lower LOD’s as much as it did. Silly oversight. But if anyone’s stuck on this check your main colors on the Speed Tree file it might be whats causing the trouble!