Speedtree Shape Control

Hi, I’m attempting to use shape control to constrain trees within a shaped mesh. I followed the tutorial online and did this by importing my mesh, adding the geometry to forces and enabling the shape control ‘enabled geometry forces’ option for the trunk, however when I do this the branches and leaves disappear. I searched online and it seems many people are having the same issue and I was unable to find a resolution for it. Some assistance regarding this would be appreciated, thanks!

Hi, Check if the rules on the geometric mesh are disabled?

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@Georginium you’ve got the right idea!

@ishaKCodingUnity, here’s the main workflow:

  • Click your force, and change the Behavior->Force and Behavior->Collide properties to “none.”

  • Make sure that your trunk is inside the mesh. If you don’t see it, make your trunk taller or lower the force.

  • Adjust the height of your trunk and the length of your branches so they fill up the mesh. Since you’re using shape control, you’ll need to use “Spine”->“Shape scale” on the branches to adjust their length, rather than the regular “Spine”->“Length”.

  • The branches might spill out of the mesh. To fix this, create a second Behavior under your force and set “Force” to “none” and “Collide” to “stop” or “prune.” Then make sure all your branch generators have this force selected. Click the force name in force list and select “Behavior 2”.

  • Adjust “Spine”->“Shape scale” across your branches as desired. Adjust your generation settings to customize your leaf fill.

We’re working on making more tutorials to cover some concepts that are often asked about, like Shape Control. However, if you are still confused by the steps above, let me know and I can record a quick screen grab recording.

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