(spent hours) How to put up dialogue that could be continued with key press

This is what I’m looking for

(it doesn’t have to go letter by letter though, it can come out in one chunk of text at a time)

I’ve have gone through so many videos/websites/etc. that offer things similar, but are not the same. I’m trying to make it where the mouse is used the least possible.

It might be something super simple, I just can’t figure it out. And to do this I would want the character frozen, so I don’t know if this will go into the cinematic section of the site since it’s a cut scene or not.

Any help would be fantastic.

This forum is specifically for UI Toolkit (formally UIElements), which is a UI framework for creating UI. It’ll be easier to help you if you provided some info on what you’ve tried already. Are you using uGUI or UI Toolkit? Have you gotten a dialog with static text to work and are just wondering how to animate it?